Simply A While

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The night soon turned to morning and as the light of the sun hit Andrea's chambers, she sat up a complete disaster. The brunette made her way towards the her bathroom where she then turned to her reflection in the mirror. A broken looking werewolf gazed back, her hair a mess, her deep red dress ruined as one of its long sleeves had been ruined and the other a mud stain on it. And her eyes, Andrea's hazel emerald like eyes were completely red and her face stained of tear tracks. Saying not a single word the little wolf picked up her hair brush and began to brush out her messy dark brown hair which looked a disaster. With every stroke of brushing her hair, Andrea recalled the previous night in more detail.

After she had ran out, how she got onto Lilac and rode back to the manor in tears, how it had begun to rain and Lilac had stepped in puddles along the way and how wast coming out of the forest Andrea's sleeve had caught hold of a tree ripping it off as it left a scratch that still hurt quite a bit.
The more Andrea thought of it, the more emotions resurfaced. Anger, sadness, frustration as to what the bloody hell gave Klaus any right to force more life onto her.
About 2 hours had gone by and everyone joined into the big dining hall for breakfast including Andrea as she wore a laced maroon dress and her hair down. The breakfast was well in a word awkward for the most part, Tristan, Lucien, Kol and Elijah all spoke of their hunting escapades they had gone on the night before bragging of who had gotten most. Rebekah and lady Aurora spoke and giggled every now and then as they spoke of the nobleman that had come in and Klaus simply ate as he every now and then looked up to Andrea who was opposite of him.

When she was to look down he looked to her and when he had looked down to eat she looked to him.
Eventually wast thinking each other were not looking, both glanced to each other locking eyes.
Andrea's eyes saddened with the slight anger Klaus remembered from their first meet. Niklaus's eyes which held mystery as they were unreadable.
However very quickly after locking eyes Andrea looked away and cleared her throat as she stood announcing that she was excusing herself from the table causing half the room to turn to Klaus upon her exiting. Though of course he did not give a damn about, as he stood up and walked after her right as she had gone.

He followed behind her and she seemed to notice this as well as she saw him from the corner of her eye and began walking faster as she took a turn into a spare rom as she hoped rid of him. Sadly to her surprise he walked in right after her shutting the door behind himself. Now cross, Andrea turned to the window and crossed her arms before her as she pretended as if he was not there.

"Forgive me..." Andrea heard quite faintly as she refused to look behind herself remaining still as Klaus sighed and looked towards her as he took an uneasy breath in and began to continue.
"It was wrong of me I know this...and I should have spoke to you firstly but I feared that you would say no..." the hybrid began growing quieter and quieter as a slightly different tone was heard from him as his lips began to quiver. Andrea wanted to scream at him she wanted to go absolutely mad on him. However she kept composed as she took in a heavy silent breath as her lover continued.

"And if you said no..a world without my deepest fear coming alive...because you are the very best of me and the only will of humanity that runs in my veins.." there it was again. The voice crack however this time it was far more noticeable and clear that Klaus was trying everything in his power to keep himself collected which of course, he was. Klaus's words were true if he were to loose Andrea now? He knew he would not be ready for the pain..not at all ready he wanted no: he needed Andrea, she was very much like his lifeline, that like blood if he did not have her he would surely die and once he finally finished his apology by finishing it off with an I love you, Andrea turned to him.

Her eyes laid onto him and she opened her mouth to speak but again stopped herself as the original looked away cowering his face behind his hand as his shoulders began to tremble as his eyes swelled with tears. In that moment, Andrea had put a few guards down. She had never seen him that way before and it hurt, like millions of knifes piercing into her. She was no longer about to let it happen. In a swift sudden movement she walked up towards him and after getting passed the hand which hid his face she placed both hands to his cheeks and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

The original tensed to her touch but only for a moment as he then returned the kiss and looked down to Andrea as a tear was merely to escape his eye as she then stopped it placing a kiss to his cheek as she wrapped her arms around the hybrids neck.

"You love me again.." whispered Klaus a bit happily as his eyes were still slightly glossy as if he were a child in a soft soft tone.

"Who said I ever stopped" answered Andrea as she placed a kiss onto his lips once more as a small tear ran down his left cheek relieved. Relieved that after the mistake he had made, she still loved him..that she was not leaving or turning on him the way many others had done. That she, his angel, his muse, the apple of his eye, still loved him more than words could described.

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