Unfortunate Fate

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Andrea healed soon and for the rest of the day Klaus spent it all with her...happy and calm for once knowing that she would be his for the rest of her days that is of course what they both longed for.

Night fell quickly and as the two looked to the stars, Klaus telling stories of what each star in the sky meant....each constellation Andrea looked to them with huge curiosity.

The speaking went on as the brunette werewolf began to close her eyes and doze off in the arms of who she loved most.

He smiled faintly as he looked to the stars some more before bringing Andrea back to her room laying her into her bed.

The hybrid stayed awake the rest of the evening until dusk came and a hooded figure showed up by the frontier escorted by guards.

"Delilah" Klaus spoke with a half smile.

She bowed removing her hood revealing her long black hair.

"My lord" she responded as the guards were still behind her.

Klaus noticed and immediately asked them to wait outside and with that they nodded and walked out.

"Have you what I asked for?" Asked Klaus as he raised an eyebrow.

The dark haired witch hesitated then looked to him with a look of uncertainty.

"What the bloody hell have you gotten for me?!" Klaus raised his voice his eyes flashing a dark red with black colour.

Delilah held her hand up causing Klaus to hear a sharp ringing sound as he growled lowly grabbing the witch by the neck holding her tightly.

"What do you have for me" he asked again aggressively squeezing her neck tighter.

"The next best thing to....an immortality spell" she gasped for air as Klaus then let her go.

The woman caught her breath with a hand to her bruised neck.

"Explain" demanded Klaus

Delilah took a breath before clearing her throat to speak as she took out a bottle.

"By drinking this....Andrea shall live for another 77 years..."

Klaus sighed then nodded slowly then reached for the bottle before Delilah paused him once again.

"However it comes with a price...." she paused as he looked to her then to the bottle.

"On the eve of the 78th year Andrea would fall into a sleep like death for a very very long time...no one is quite certain of how long it would last for...and when she would awake...she would not remember you so are you certain you wish to proceed with this..?"

The witch looked to the hybrid most uncertainly as he nodded slowly taking the bottle as he handed the dame a single jewel.

"This is not what I asked for" Delilah said as she looked to Klaus.

"Well this wasn't what I had asked for either I suggest we call it even and you get out before I skin you alive " he growled lowly and though Delilah had been a powerful witch she didn't dare cross him so she took her leave.

This...leaving Klaus alone in the room once more as he looked to the herbal like tea that was in the bottle as he hesitated on what he was to do next.

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