24: OTT

459 13 7

NOTES: Exclamation abbreviations as follows (Ninjago specific exclamations like OMG)

OMM = Oh My Masters

FSM = First Spinjitsu Master


'So they were... mid... uh, mid...'

'Mid... something!' Zane replied to Jay.

Jay's face was wide eyed with surprise. Zane seemed nonplussed. Nya was tight lipped, a serious frown etched into her brow. Cole sighed 'Well... at least he's keeping her out of trouble' and raised an eyebrow.

'Ha ha ha!' Jay couldn't hold the laugh back 'More like, he's getting her into trouble... right? Right?' He implored to his friends and found a conspirator in Cole who finally descended into fits of laughter while Zane looked on coolly.

Nya slapped them both 'FSM you two, this is no laughing matter. This is Lloyd; our Lloyd, getting it on with our mortal enemy... Argh!' She threw her head in her hands in frustration.

'Well what did you expect?' Jay replied his eyes watering. '...I mean, little Lloyd? He's all grown up and been hankering... for, well you know... OMM Zane, was it hot?' Nya tried to clamp her hand over Jay's mouth, but he kept going, twisting away, giggling 'Tell me it was hot'

Zane sighed and considered Jays request 'well it was grey and rainy so it didn't look very warm...' Jay stopped, everyone stopped and then all fell into hysterical laughter at Zane's response 'What?' Zane asked, looking at his teammates like they were all mad.

'Not... the weather... you lunatic!' Jay squeaked through sobs.

'Oh' Zane replied looking particularly confused.

'Please, please' Nya implored 'stop it all of you' though having a hard time not laughing herself, she turned and flopped her forehead onto Zane's shoulder.

'What am I missing?' Zane whispered to Nya who gave him an understanding, if not a little teary-eyed look.

'Oh Zane... Hot in this context means... um, y'know... spicy...uh, good.... like, really good!'

Zane considered this and whispered 'well, it looked... fun'

'It is fun buddy' Nya quietly replied, knowing her friend would never experience life in its fullest sense. Zane's confused look softened. A subtle sadness passed over him that sobered Nya to his feelings. She turned him away from Jay and Cole, who were still finding reasons to giggle 'Zane?' She asked.

He looked down and then shyly at Nya 'I'm not completely clueless of these matters' he said.

'Sure Zane, of course'

'I know what happens. I know the mechanics' Nya stayed silent '...and they weren't actually performing the mechanics'

'Oh' Nya was surprised. They had all assumed wrongly

'But they were on their way, I know that much'

'Oh' Nya said, disappointment setting back in.

'I feel like...' Zane thought carefully 'I want some kind of experience that equates to the human equivalent of... the mechanics. And I love Pixal'

'Of course you do. Its obvious how much she feels for you too'

'Do you think the fun stuff, might make it seem like we have that equivalent'

'OMM YES!' Nya lowered her voice 'Gosh, yes Zane. I'm just surprised you've not been having the fun stuff already'

'Really? Is the fun stuff quite easy?'

They had wandered away a short distance from the rest of the team. They looked down at the deserted parking lot from the roof where they waited. Nya contemplated Zane's issues and it always surprised her, how they could live such a strange and intense life and still find the simplest things confusing 'Well I guess nothings easy, but it's a darn site easier than what we are about to attempt' Zane nodded as Nya continued 'When we get back, you should do it, go for it. When you love someone and they love you too, everything is made easy because they accept you for who you are and whatever you like to do. Plus... you have a funny switch dude'

Zane smiled 'I do don't I? I wonder if Pixal has one too?'

'Well I think it might be fun for you both to find out, don't you?

Zane's face lit up 'yes, I think it might be. Thank you Nya'

'No problem' she took his arm and they walked back to Jay and Cole, who were unusually quiet.

'Just had The Talk Zane?' Jay asked.

'Your grammar is appalling Jay... it should be Have you just had a talk Zane?'

'Oh boy' Jay closed his eyes tight and held in his need to react with laughter again. Nya clipped him over the head

'You should've had The Talk with Lloyd I think' Nya shot back at Jay.

'I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing!' Jay replied wiping his eyes.

'Ok team, I think that's enough of that. Gather round' Cole beckoned them to him 'the sun has now set, so we have cover of darkness, but the moon is full and bright, so keep to the shadows, don't let yourself be caught by the moonlight or you will be caught. We need to infiltrate the settlement, get in and carry out two objectives. Find Kai and find out what Skylor's doing there. As ever, there's no actual plan, but stealth is key. For all intents you are not there and they will never know you have been there. Got it? Zane, do you have the trackers?'

'Yes Cole' He opened one of his belt pouches and handed out the tiny devices 'Clip one inside your tunic. We are navigating a warren, if anything should happen, at least we will know where each of us is. Everyone wearing their Borg watches?' Cole. Nya and Jay held their wrists up to confirm. 'Good, the footage from my companion is loaded on them and I made a hasty map from the aerial that you'll be able to navigate and it will record your route. Lets not get lost'

'Well I feel a little lost already' Jay replied. 'We don't know anything about the buildings and what happens in them, finding Kai isn't going to be easy'

'Maybe not, but remember who you are and why you're there... and repeat your mantra'

Jay, Nya and Zane all sighed and rolled their eyes 'So ninja' they all repeated together unenthusiastically.

'Hrmph' Cole grumbled 'Oh come on... a little enthusiasm for the mantra please'

The three put on a sarcastic show of whoops, fist-bumps and high fives, repeating 'So Ninja' over and over again, finishing with a stunning, formation power-pose.

'That's more like it' Cole said coolly. Right it's a 2k journey to the settlement, we approach individually, we're all on our own from here on out. Good luck'

From their Borg watches, the voice of Pixal came 'Good luck Team. Bring Kai home safe and well'

'We will' Zane replied and then switched to a personal channel 'Pixal?'

'Yes Zane?'

'I just want to say... that I will miss you and I look forward to seeing you on my return'

'As I you, Zane, Goodbye'

'Goodbye Pixal'

The team leapt over the top and set off on their individual paths. Zane swung over the edge of the roof to approach the settlement on a different path. He felt slightly lighter of foot and found that he was smiling. Every moment away from Pixal right now, was one too many.

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