45: Allegiances

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The standoff seemed to last for the longest time. Nat and Hitch no longer recognised their sister; something had happened to her. Apart from a terrible injury to her throat from which she could barely talk, her time in solitary confinement had taken its toll. Her body was weakened but she stood strong, desperation giving her strength. The threat that Gene now levelled at them was proof of that change. The sister that had saved them, looked after them and kept them safe now levelled a katana at each of their hearts and was no longer bound by her family ties. She was altogether driven by something else.

Kai stepped forward to Hitch and Nat. They had earned his trust and while already battered and bruised he would stand with his friends to face their common enemies together. Nya, Jay and Cole followed and the assembled Shadow turncoats flexed their combined mass behind them. Only Zane remained still, reading the figure before them.

He gazed at her. The Quiet One had escaped the prison, but with such a wound...the prison warden would have called the emergency channel at the Temple, but the team were not there so the Night Watchman would have responded alone. The Quiet One would have been apprehended because of the wound inflicted, quick and efficient, a silent slice that would be fatal. Only absolute precision would allow a foe to survive and only he and one other had the precision to inflict it as such. His other would then have artfully attended to it, sewn it up neatly, applied that splendid dressing and made her captive comfortable. But The Quiet One was standing before them now, having escaped for a second time, wearing clothes that did not belong to her, but to his other, his love. Somewhere in his mind Lloyd was calling his name but he could not respond for fear had gripped him completely. He sank back into the Shadows and left directly for the Temple.

The uncomfortable standoff shifted again. Gene and Hutchins were hopelessly out numbered and an atmosphere of confidence grew in the room. Nya looked at the person she had guarded, swore her life to protect and almost felt sorry for her, because she would not escape with her life this time 'd'you think you'll get anywhere near to carrying out your threat? You are outnumbered. An out of shape fighter and an old man is no match for me, let alone my team and half of your Shadow army' But instead of the fear Nya had intended from her words, a sly smile grew on Genes face and Nya could not fathom why. She looked in question to The Quiet Ones sisters and saw Nat stagger.

Nat had heard voices in her head for as long as she could remember; so many voices, loud and rude, intruding on her personal space; yet the one voice that had always been right beside her had always been the quietest and she heard for the first time the distorted passion of her sister's thoughts. Rolling through her mind was a tangled mess of drive, lust, confusion and rage; a rage so potent it distorted her sisters' true voice. Her thoughts collided, snagging and pulling tighter like barbed wire wound into a tight ball. Within the turmoil nestled her sisters' obsession with her Master and she saw for the first time the full scope of his influence on her. He controlled her thoughts, fed her desire and in the solitude of her incarceration, she had allowed his memory to dominate her unstable mind. There was something else too, an open channel that was previously closed, an aura that was flowing free, extending beyond the boundary of her mind and pushing the limits of the world around.

Gene staggered back as if a force had rolled over her, she felt the grab of strong hands at her throat and as Gene tightened her fevered grip, she shouted her disappointment directly into her sister's thoughts'. 'How could you defy your Master? He who has sheltered you and given your life meaning'

Nat scrabbled at her throat, scratching the skin, drawing blood to try and release the invisible vice like hands. Hitch threw herself down to Nat, but unaware of what had over come her could do nothing. Nat tried to speak and barely managed to choke out a word 'p...power...' but Hitch could not make out what she meant.

'Power!' The word came again, but from the deep smooth voice of The Grand Master.

Hitch held her choking sisters hand and turned to see the malevolent face of Hutchins smiling smugly down on them 'She has power...' he said, the realisation settling in. Hitch stood and looked in shock at her crazed sister and an idea formed.

Hutchins stood beside his chosen one, placed his hand on her shoulder and spoke to her alone 'I had always hoped it was there. I had almost given up. But even faced with two other powerful siblings you were still the brightest most dedicated and respectful. It could never have been anyone but you to take on the mantle of Quiet One. My love'

Gene closed her eyes as if an ecstasy had overcome her; she felt the warmth of his words and she received them joyously 'at last' she thought with relief and her grip loosened on her sisters throat. At the release Nat gasped for air, her eyes bulging.

Hitch had managed something she had never been able to before. She had fooled her sister. She had never been able to influence her before and Nat had never been able to hear Gene's thoughts; she had been a closed book, until now.

'Get them' Nya shouted; her hatred of The Quiet One was now so ingrained she would take delight in slaying her.

The sudden shout roused Gene from her enforced dream to see the rush of her enemies approaching. Falling back she felt her mind release further, something expanded outwards in her shock and she found a new level to her power. The force hit the attacking Ninja and they were unable to move. Suspended in space, they could not free themselves. The mass of grey turncoats crept forward through the suspended bodies and Gene held her Katana' aloft to defend her Master against his own army.

The silence in their approach was unsettling, just the soft pad of artfully trained feet and the shuffle of fabric as they moved forward as one. There was a sudden thump as one of the front line dropped to the floor twitching, then another and another. Gene was cool and unflinching and the turncoats, now unsure, stopped, flicking uncertain looks along their line. Who would be the next to fall? It unnerved them and they did not approach further. Gene kept shielding her Master, moving him back to escape. They slipped through the same door the Grand Master had entered and left the stunned room. A few moments later the statue like bodies of the Ninja fell to the ground released.

'Aaargh!' Nya let out an annoyed shout and ran after them, closely followed by Jay and Cole. Kai hesitated, half way to disappearing through the door he looked back to Hitch and in that moment knew he would not leave her. They had formed a bond; a new allegiance and he would see their journey through, whatever it would be.

Nat shouted above the now unsettled crowd 'half come with me, the rest...' She looked between her sister and the handsomely dishevelled, cocky and annoying Fire Ninja and accepted the inevitability because she could hear that he already had '...the rest with Hitch and Kai' she barked 'make sure they do not leave this settlement. Fan out left and right of the central artery, cut them off'

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