1. Deciding to go

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(Junior High, Hokkaido)

I wanna pitch. This is what Furuya Satoru was thinking when he checked the clock in the wall of the classroom. The rest of the class was diligently listening and writing notes about what the teacher was talking about. Fugimota, a classmate of Furuya's leaned over and whispered "Oi, Furuya this is going to be on the test you know! Should I tell Satomi-chan you aren't paying attention again?" Satomi was first in their grade, while Furuya was notorious as the makeup-test regular. Furuya quickly grabbed a pen and started copying the notes. Furuya was not in the mood for another lecture from Satomi on the importance of knowledge.

After class

Furuya was on his way to the baseball locker room when he heard people talking. "That Furuya is a monster man! Have you tried to catch his pitch? I couldn't feel my hand for hours afterward. All that he wants to do is pitch!". Furuya stood there, frozen in the doorway. "I mean sure, his pitch is fast and everything, but who needs a player like that?". There was a moment of silence, and then a crash could be heard.

"What's your problem Riku? You like Kaibutsu-kun?". There was a tense silence. "Everyone is here to play baseball, and no one practices like Furuya. You jealous or something? Should I tell Satomi-chan?". There was a moment and then voices replied "No! Please don't tell Satomi-chan! She'll make us run till we die!"

Furuya Satomi is Furuya's twin sister, and she was also their baseball club manager. While they do look alike (black hair, blue eyes) their personalities couldn't be more opposite. Where Furuya is quiet and a little socially awkward, Satomi is outgoing and very sarcastic. They call her Kōri no joō-san (ice queen) when she's in a bad mood. Which was usually when someone said something about Furuya (she's a very protective sister).

Satomi was also in softball club, but she left the club to become the baseball manager. The reasons were unknown, and she was a very good player. Satomi was right behind Furuya when they talked in the locker room, and as soon as she heard them mumbling about running, her eyes got an evil glint. How dare they gossip about Onii-san anyway, she thought. They'll pay. It was in that moment that everyone in the locker room felt a chill. They could hear a fading evil laugh. Furuya prepared himself for the suffering to come.


It was now almost the end of practice. The baseball coach was sitting in the dugout reading a magazine, and a very satisfied Satomi was standing with a whistle and a timer in hand, grin hidden behind a notebook. The baseball players were coming around the field, dragging their feet. Their shirts were soaked through; faces red from all the running they were doing. "Is the pace slower? Should we start again? Alright, lets end with base running! If your time is too slow, you go again!". They players just trudged towards home and started running. Satomi was timing each players base time, and writing it down. They look so tired, Satomi thought. Well, that's what you get for bad-mouthing my Onii-chan.

Unfortunately, Furuya and Riku could not escape the punishment, but they didn't mind it. "Satomi looks so happy." Some of the players mumbled. She looked positively gleeful. She looked like she relished their pain. "Any moment I think her horns will sprout and the ground open up to take her back to the underworld." Tanaka Akio said. He then saw Furuya standing beside him, glaring at him with a cold aura. "S-sory Furuya-san."

After practise Furuya and Riko were helping Satomi put the equipment away. The coach and all the players have all left. "C'mon Furuya, let's play some catch." Satomi got her glove. Riko sat and watched. After a few warm-up throws Satomi went into the catching position. Thwak. Riko sweat dropped. He had known the Furuya twins his entire childhood, and the sound of Satoru's pitch got scarier each year. But what really got to him was that Satomi was the only one that could catch Satoru's pitches. Riko had tried, but he couldn't manage it. He had tried again last week, even wrapping his hand up before. But his hand got hurt anyway, and he still had it wrapped up. After the twins finished Riko, Satoru and Satomi headed towards the train station. They lived in the same area. After saying good-bye, the friends separated, Riko going left and the Furuya twins to the right.

Going home

"Onee-chan, is my pitch really that hard to catch?" Furuya asked his sister. Satomi knew what he had heard that day was bothering him. All he had ever wanted was to play baseball with teammates who supported each other. He just wasn't that good at conveying his feelings. Her heart broke for her brother. "Your pitch is very special Onii-chan. Not something an everyday person can catch." Satoru was quiet for a moment. "But you can catch it Onee-chan." Satomi laughed. Furuya cracked a small smile. "I'm also a Kaibutsu-kun, you know that Onii-chan." It was true. Satomi had a special gift for softball. Furuya had watched all of the games she had played. They walked into a convenience store. "Don't worry Onnii-chan," Satomi said, "we'll find you a catcher." On the way to pay for their chips and drinks Satomi saw the latest baseball magazine and added it to their stash.

They arrived home. "Tadaima", they greeted. Their parents greeted them back. They ate dinner. Satomi finished her bath and went to start on her homework. "Onii-chan", she called. "Are you finished with your homework?". Silence replied her. He was probably asleep. Finally finished with her homework, Satori started reading the baseball magazine. Coincidentally, it was in this issue that the article about the Genius catcher from Seido High school, Miyuki Kazuya appeared. Mmm, I think I should investigate this Seido and their catcher, Satomi thought to herself. She looked up the school website, watched some game videos and even found other articles. She was impressed. It seemed like this was as good bet as any to find a catcher that can catch Satoru's pitch. Now, how do we get Satoru into Seido? Satomi sweat dropped. A lot of late night cram sessions. Entrance exams were not easy.

The next day Satomi showed Furuya the article and talked about Seido. He was so excited his aura radiated the whole day. People were giving him strange looks. They weren't used to seeing Furuya excited about anything. The twins' parents readily agreed that Satomi and Satoru should go to Seido. Tokyo was far, but their grandfather lived there, so he should be able to keep an eye on them. After it was decided that they will go to Seido, the twins' studied very hard (or rather, Satomi was tutoring Satoru every night). After the exams were finished, they received word they were both accepted into Seido. Satomi and Satoru had high expectations for Seido. Then they were off! Chasing their dreams, they got on the train heading to Tokyo, waving to their parents and Riko. "It's a whole new adventure Onii-chan! Let's go give them hell!" Furuya could only laugh and give Satomi a hug. He had the best sister ever.

Next stop: Tokyo, Seido High school.

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