Chapter 12: Back to the hood

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"Stop slouching " my stepmum barked at me and I sat up straight instantly. Since I got back she has found one reason or the other to snap at me. My mind went back to my experience at my mums place and I smiled as I downed my cornflakes not minding the trickle of milk down my cheeks. I was grateful  for those moments and remembered them whenever I felt sad.  My siblings had tried to enquire about it but I had refused to divulge any information according to my mum's instructions.

I smiled at myself at intervals which seemed to provoke my mum as she raised her eyebrow towards me. I quickly stilled my smile.

"Where did you go? " Dara asked immediately we got into the bus. I shrugged and looked out the window ignoring others stares.

"Tell us now?  I  was worried about where you went. I remained silent.

"Don't mind her jare, that's how she will be doing shakara" Dara hissed as the bus halted at Nifemi's house. I smiled remembering where I had heard that word before. I bounded out eager to see them again.

"Where have you been?" His mum asked elated to see me again. My siblings peeped eager to get the juice.

I carried Nifemi and collected his lunch box. "I travelled ma"

"Oh no Wonder, i really missed you."

I smiled. " I missed you too ma". I lifted Nifemi into the bus and got in after him. 

"Wait" she stopped me. "I'm bringing his sister also. She is starting today. I had to wait for you to resume before she starts. " she dashed in returning with a petite fair child on her hands. I fell in love immediately as she handed her to me.

"I know she is in safe hands now. Today is Nifemi's birthday also. I'll join you in school later today".

"okay MA" I replied absentmindedly engrossed in trying to set her properly on my leg. I raised my head eventually to wave. "bye ma". The bus zoomed off to school.

"Nifemi what's your sister's name? "

"Her name is ife. She is one years old" he raised a finger as he smiled.

"That's good". I returned my attention to her as my siblings also cooed over her. I was oblivious of the stops the bus made till we got to school.  I carried her down struggling with their baskets and my bag at the same time. I dropped them off in their classes informing Nifemi's teacher that I was coming back during break.

It was rehearsal period in school and everywhere was in rabble. It was also a period for us to make efficient use of the playground. Ese and I did our rounds of swinging before we were distracted by the boys in my class who were betting on climbing the guava tree in the school.  We had always been contended with competing on the first to pick from the ones that fall from the tree but this new idea thrilled us. 

The tree wasn't so tall but it's branches were so thin and long that it stretched out of the school compound. Their bets attracted more crowd from my class as we all began to take sides and chant. Chocolates  were laid strewn at the bottom of the tree for whosoever could get to the top first.

I was in support of Kenneth a huge fair igbo boy with big bald head in my class.  Not for his look though but because he possessed more prowess than his other thin opponent who looked scrawny yet tough. The chants began as the boys began to climb the tree.

"Go Kenneth!  Go Kenneth!  You can do it! " I made sure my voice towered over others. More so because I assumed the loudest cheer would win".

"Crack... " the sound of wood breaking cut through my voice and that of others. Kenneth had stepped on one of the thin branches which happened to be out of the school.

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