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During class, Taehyung didn't stop staring at me.
"Oh I'll dump you!"
"Do you think anyone would belie-"
"Miss 'I could be Ruby'! Would you be so kind and come to the front?", the professor commands.
"But I-"
"Thank you.", I angrily hiss towards Taehyung. As I walk to the desk, where my professor is waiting, I hear Jungkook trying to hide his laughter.
"Now that you're here, can you explain me what I've just said?"
Is he really just trying to get me with that? Thanks to my skills that I got during the time I spent with my gang, I've got something like a third ear that pays attention while I'm actually not listening. So I tell the professor what he wants to hear from me.
"Eh... well done Miss Ruby.", the professor admits hesitantly and gestures me to go back to my seat. Just in time the bell rings.
Taehyung is still staring at me very angrily.

"Noone would ever believe your dumbass!"
For a second I thought he would explode but all he did was... smile?
How can you just ignore my rudeness and give me a smile?
After class Taehyung comes running after me.
"Come here!"
But I don't bother to turn around. The last thing I want is someone that spreads more information about me and ends up dying. I decide to continue ignoring him until he's bored. But I knew he'll never be bored because he knows something about me that might be interesting.
Where actually is Jungkook when I really need him?!
"I know they won't believe me, they didn't yesterday!"
Stay calm Y/N. It can't be that hard to ignore someone.
Pictures of the girl I killed, his girlfriend, flash in my mind, making it very difficult for me to concentrate.
"Y/N why didn't you take the seat next to me?!", asks Jungkook who appears next to me out of the blue.
"Why would I sit next to you? Now let's go.", I hiss as I push his shoulder to make him walk.
"Oh there's someone coming after you...", he says while watching Taehyung walking towards us.
"Kiss me.", I hiss as I grab his collar.
"Just do as I say!"
I am trying everything to make the kiss look as passionate as possible in order to make Taehyung feel uncomfortable and leave. After slightly opening one eye, I see that my plan has succeeded. Taehyung quickly turns to another direction.
I pulled away.
"Let's continue this in the bathroom babe.", Jungkook smirks. I slap his arm.
"No time for your needy thoughts. We're here for work. So... did Yoongi say anything about a particular lesson he's teaching?"
"Actually... no..."
I scoff.
"Of course not. Min fucking Yoongi wants us to find out by ourselves. Well then... I will.", I murmur to myself.
"I'll sit next to you this time."
Jungkook's glowing eyes tell me that he likes the idea.
"What was that actually?", Jungkook asks referring to the kiss earlier.
"Plan B. That guy didn't stop following me , so I gave him the best reason to go away."
"You sure? You kissed me so hard that it seemed to be more."
I slap his arm again.
"Stop it! We need to go. And I dare you to leave my side one more time!"
"Why? Last time I did, you got a new funny name."
"Don't give me a reason to put you on my death list!"
"Okay, okay.", he said holding up his hands.
Finally we went to our next class. This time together.
"You know, we actually have a lot cute girls here in class."
"What? Are you trying to be a playboy or what?"
Once again on his face appears a smirk. Does he ever not smirk?!
"That would be nice to be honest. Since you are  a great kisser, you've got to be my first target then, babe."
"Please take your seats!"
The professor just enters the room. I glare at Jungkook one last time and earn a chuckle as a response.
"Welcome to my English class. My name is not important. You don't need to tell me yours and I won't tell mine. I have a list with your names on it anyways. So! Let's get this done."
I scoff at the Professor's introduction.
"This one's strange.", Jungkook whispers.
"Why? He seems to be around our age and he doesn't waste time with unnecessary information. Absolutely my type."
Jungkook ruffles his nose.
"You've got a strange taste in men, you know that? Look at me! I'm handsome and-"
"If you don't stop talking Mr. Handsome in the front row I'll have to kick you out.", the Professor suddenly interrupts Jungkook.
I already love this professor.
Jungkook immediately becomes quiet while blushing.
The young man starts explaining the English grammar, I start writing down a plan of how to find my target and get rid of it.
"Can you ever not think about this plan Y/N?", Jungkook whispers while leaning over, staring at my notes.
"This is the only reason why I came to this stupid place."
"I'll be forming the groups.", the professor announces out of nowhere.
"But why?", someone from the back row yells.
"Because as a professor it's my duty that my students get to know each other. Now... when I say your name you have to stand up so you'll know how your partner looks like."
I groan. I actually liked him.
"Bejin and Chen. Soojin and... Minseol. Jaena and Jungkook. Y/N and Taehyung."
I slowly turn around to face my partner which is waving at me sweetly as he realizes that I am his partner.
Dear fate, we've always hated each other but can you please stop making me suffer ALL THE TIME?!
Gritting my teeth I sit down and pack my things.
"Now that you know your partner you can leave my class. The interviews have to be finished next week. Have a nice break."
With that he left and so did I.
"I'll go to the girls bathroom. No need to follow me.", I tell Jungkook before going out of the room as quick as possible.
"Y/N! Hey, Y/N! I know it's your name! Y/N!!!", Taehyung yells behind me.
But I'm only taking larger steps towards the bathroom. Sadly Taehyung caught my wrist before I could reach the doorknob.
Damn you, short legs.
"You killed my girlfriend there's no way you can just get away with it. I'd like to ask you a question."
I stare at him, not knowing how to reply. Once again the picture of his dead girlfriend appears in my head, almost making me sweat. Finally Taehyung lets go of my wrist.
"Can we meet after school? Not only for the interview.", he asks, avoiding my eyes.
I gulp, trying to get rid of the pictures of Mina.
"Stop yelling my name."
"There she goes with that shitty attitude again...", he murmurs almost too silent to be noticed by a normal person.
He's really making me uncomfortable.
"So, are we going to meet after school?"
"I have things to do, let's meet another day."
After saying that I turn around and run into the bathroom.

If love and hate were the same ・k.th ff✔️Where stories live. Discover now