If Walls Could Talk

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When Keith finally woke up, the first thing his mind registered were voices shouting over him.

"Are you serious right now? I'm not going to drop a patient case now just because you want to act like a bipolar bitch and suddenly place me on your service!" Pidge shouted, her tone full of anger.

"Well, you have to!" a voice replied just as angrily. "I am your attending, and as your attending I have the right–"

"To boss me around like I'm your rag doll? I'm not your toy to play with, Lotor," she spat with venom. "You can't just use me from time to time whenever you feel like it! You're so two faced!"

"If you want to talk about being two faced, look at yourself first," Lotor sneered. "First you get angry at me for not letting you do the solo surgery, and now you don't want it? I don't understand you!"

"Just like I don't understand why you feel like coming down to yell at me for doing a freaking appendectomy when I am the resident on this case!"

"Because you're not a general surgeon, you're a cardiac surgeon!" He shouted. "That's what I trained you to be be, and that's what you're going to be. Stop messing around with other specialties!"

"Just because I'm dating you doesn't mean I want cardio," she hissed, her grip on Keith's sheets tightening. "I love neuro, and the only reason I stay with cardio is because you're a piece of shit who won't let other attendings keep me on their cases."

"You wouldn't be any good in neuro! You're brash, unfocused, and frankly, not good enough to operate on a brain!"

"Excuse me? I happen to have graduated from freaking Columbia Med! I can assure you that I'm good enough to operate on a brain!"

"Your personality isn't fit for a neurosurgeon. You've been trained to do cardio since you arrived, and that's all you're good for unless you want to end up as a nurse taking orders from everyone!"

"At least a nurse has actual freedom and doesn't have to follow the orders of just one attending," she growled. "Look at you, talking about maturity when you come to yell at me in front of a freaking patient. You're as mature as a fifteen year old boy going through puberty!"

"If you hadn't scrubbed in on that appy–"

"The patient requested I do it for him," she inhaled sharply. "Hunk was supervising me, so I don't get what the big problem is!"

"My problem is that you want to get all cozied up to patients," he growled. "You think I didn't see the way you were looking at him?"

"Oh great, now you're spying on me again? One of these days I'm going to get a freaking restraining order!"

"I made you into who you are today," Lotor spat with venom. "Don't forget that without me, you would've been kicked out for your tampering with my clinical trial two years ago. You're mine, and mine alone. You work for me, not peds, not neuro, and especially not general! You heard me?!"

"Go away," she hissed lowly. "I'm with a patient, and I'm on his case until he leaves. You can go throw a hissy pissy fit or whatever you want to do, but I'm not leaving this case, do you understand?!"

Lotor inhaled sharply. "You and I will be discussing this on our way home," he warned before storming out of the PACU, leaving Pidge to glare at his retreating form.

"As if I'd ever ride home with you!" She shouted, leaving one of the PACU nurses to look warily at her.

"I don't know why you don't just dump him."

"It's complicated, Plax."

"Hm. Well, Mr. Kogane should be up in a bit. Do you want me to stay so you can go or...?"

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