Someone To Love

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"Tumor day!" Ezor chirped as she strolled into the residents lounge, practically dancing.

Pidge rolled her eyes, tying her hair up into a bun on her head. "You're only scrubbing in because my brother and Trigel have a soft spot for you."

"What are you even doing, anyway?" Zethrid asked. "Holding the suction? A clamp?"

Ezor smirked. "You're just jealous that I get to scrub in on a majorly awesome surgery and you guys don't. Sorry Pidge! Bet you really wish Shiro still considered you his special golden girl of neuro now, huh?"

Pidge rolled her eyes. "Relax. I may be specializing in cardio but I can still kick your ass in neuro and peds combined. The only reason I wasn't picked is because I'm lugging around an extra twenty five pounds of human in my uterus and I won't be able to handle more than five hours without going to the bathroom."

"Wow," Zethrid laughed, "I am so glad I'm never going to get pregnant. Nine months of not being allowed to operate on extra long cases sounds harsh."

"What sounds more harsh is you all gossiping instead of getting ready for rounds," Acxa piped up, tugging on the collar of her lab coat.

Ezor wrinkled her nose. "Acxa, calm yourself down. We're fourth years and you're a third year. You got picked because your mom pitched you in and Blaytz is in love with your entire lineage."

"I didn't even know you were considering neuro," Zethrid said in confusion.

Acxa furrowed her brows. "What specialty did you think I wanted?"

"Well since you're speaking the vagina codes now–"

"Forget I asked," Acxa deadpanned.

Pidge snickered to herself as she began walking out of the lounge, heading towards the nurse's station a few feet away from it. She quickly collected her clipboard, thanking the nurse before turning around towards the doors, expectantly waiting for her interns while methodically drumming her fingers on her thigh.

"Surprise," Lotor announced as he rounded the corner, his lips pulled into a smile.

He came to a stop in front of her and handed her a cup of coffee, Pidge taking it eagerly. With a quick sip, she let out a sigh of relief.

"God, thank you so much."

"Stressed?" Lotor asked, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his lab coat.

"Like you wouldn't believe. Did you know that the interns spammed me last night hoping that I could get them in on the inoperable tumor case? I barely get enough sleep as it is and then they spam me."

Lotor grinned. "Did you give them extra chartwork then?"

"Oh yeah, plenty," Pidge said nonchalantly. "They're going to be swamped with plastics cases starting tomorrow since they passed their neuro rotation evaluation and are basically just resting on their laurels today."

"A break? I don't believe you ever got a break when you were a fourth year student," Lotor said.

"No because I was smart and asked for more chartwork to oveershine the others," Pidge smirked. "I am the best resident this hospital has ever seen."

"Be careful," Lotor grinned, raising his coffee cup up to his lips, "Acxa might end up taking your throne. She's a lion with cases."

Pidge scoffed. "Doubtful."

"Oh," Acxa said as she walked out of the lounge, looking between Pidge and Lotor. "You are not my interns."

"All of our interns are late," Pidge replied.

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