Chapter 12: Un-sure Love!

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Jessica's Point Of View...

'Why am I here? Why did I let Kimmy drag me to this stupid concert?' I rolled my eyes as I fixed my glasses. That was the third time I had been shoved into a random stranger, who was barely clothed. I peeked my head up to see Kimmy at the front of the concert field.

I sighed, of course I could see her, how can you miss that flamboyantly lime green shirt in the midst of black clothed emo kids? I sighed as I recognized the song playing; oh A Day To Remember, how I wish I couldn't remember. Their beautiful acoustic shook through me as I made my way through the ridiculously size crowd to where Kimmy was.

"Kimmy! I need to go!" I yelled at her, hoping she could hear me. She turned her head and waved her hand in a gesture that said 'No, later!' I sighed as I looked at my iPhone again, groaning at the time. I had half an hour to get up to Children's hospital off Broadway. 'Greattttt...' I groaned once again as I ruffled my hair up.

As I turned around Kimmy was right in my face, I blushed as I tilted my head back, avoiding her lips grazing mine as she kissed my cheek.

"Awe! Come on, babe! It's a great concert, and besides, I thought you loved A.D.T.R?" She said as she cooed me. I clenched my jaw as I looked at my phone again.

"I do like them, but Kimmy I told you I needed to be at my school at 10, it's already 9:30." I complained as I showed her my phone. She scrunched up her face as she prepared to whine even more.

"But baby... it's A Day to Remember!" She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt my eyes drifting to my phone again, hoping she'd catch my point. I felt her sigh against me as she rolled her eyes. "God, fine whatever, what a fucking waste..." She said as she headed towards the exit, weaving in and out of the crowd.

I looked back on stage to see J. McKinney singing and I couldn't help the pain in my chest fire up. I turned around quickly as I ran after Kimmy. I could hear the lyrics fading away as we made into the parking lot. I knew she was pissed off, but my career meant more to me than a concert night out.
"I just do not understand why you have to volunteer for the late shifts, Jessica. I mean, why not take any morning ones?" She asked as she started walking backwards so that she could stare at me as we headed to her car.

"They are the only ones I can handle, Kimmy. You know this already... I work from six am till one then I have class till five then I sleep then, I work for 3 hours at night at the hospital, its part of my graduation requirements." But all Kimmy did was roll her eyes as she unlocked her car.

"I'm sorry..."

"You never have any time for me, Jessica. It's starting to wear on me." She said as I sat in the passenger. I didn't say anything as she sighed and started the car, but didn't move. "You sleep every chance you get, your stupid job calls you into work at random hours when you're not sleeping, and you can barely even do your homework. I bought the tickets because I wanted us to be together on our anniversary." I froze as the word came to mind. Anniversary...?
"Can you seriously not miss one single day of school for us? I mean, we've been together for exactly one year and it's like you don't even give a shit. I mean, I make sacrifices for you.

I clean your apartment on my only day off, I cook you food when I get home from school to make sure you have at least one balanced meal. I take care of your dog, and f***, a lot more! Yet you seriously can't even miss a single day for me?" Her tone was harsh as she looked over to me, but I kept my head down.
What was I supposed to say to that? She made me feel like complete shit...

"I know you do all those things for me, and then some... but... I can't miss school-."
She cut me off as she abruptly slammed on the gas pedal and reversing out of the spot. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I turned to look at her. "

'I'm sorry, Kimmy..." I said as I tried to reach for her free hand, but she moved it away. I sighed as she drove down Broadway. "How can I make it up to you?" She pulled in front of the hospital; I looked at the clock to see I still had 10 more minutes left. She shut the car off after putting it in park and turned to look at me.

"Do you love me?" She blurted out, catching me off guard. "Geez, that's reassuring..."

"No! No no, I do. I just wasn't expecting you to say that. Of course, I love you." I said as I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes as she ran her hand through her short black hair. "You don't think so?"

"I don't know. You should probably go." She said as she started the car again.

"Kim..." She just reached over me and opened my door.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow when you get home from school." She didn't look at me as she faced the windshield. I chewed on my bottom lip as I grabbed my bag and got out, shutting the door.

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