Chapter 47: A Letter

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-- Few weeks after Nico's burial--

At Dean' s Office

"Please, have a seat." She said as she shut the door behind me. As I looked around the familiar room, I took a seat in the comfy leather chair in front of her desk. I could hear her rummaging through something behind me, but I didn't bother to turn around.

I almost jumped out of my skin as she dropped something into my lap. I looked down to see a package that seemed to have some sort of book in side of it. I looked at the Dean with confusion as she took a seat at her desk finally. She placed her elbows on her desk and laced her fingers together, her eyes trained on me. I looked from her to the item that laid in my lap.

"You should open that." She said as she joined her index fingers together and pointed to the package in my presence. I licked my lips as my fingers tore away the lip of the package and what slid out, had me speechless...
I looked up to see the older woman smiled as she leaned back in her chair.
I slumped in my chair as I looked down at it.

"How did you..." I looked back to her. "How did you get this? I tore his room upside down to find this..." I said as my fingers roamed over the cover of the binder.

"He hand delivered it to me." She stated simply. I felt my brows connect as I looked down at the too familiar Pokemon binder. My jaws clenched as I craved to open it. "He told me to give it to you.

The binder was full of all the things he loved, anything from drawings of random things, newspaper clippings, to his amazing paintings.

Anyway, I'm sorry to cut this so short my dear, but I really need to attend a board meeting." She said as she opened a draw to her right, grabbing something out of it and standing. I held tightly onto Nico's binder as I followed suit.
As she opened the door she stopped me. "Here," She added as she handed me a manila folder, making my eyebrows rise in interest. "I talked to the Dean over at the USC School; well actually He's my older brother. So, it seems you lucked out.

If you want, you can transfer over there as soon as you want to." I looked up at her with such amazement.

"Wow... Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked I placed the two folders under arms. She gave me a smile as she placed a hand upon my shoulder, squeezing it slightly as we walked out of her office.

"You remind me of myself at your age." She said as she wrote her signature on a clipboard her secretary presented her. She turned to me and smiled. "I know it's hard to be around the place that reminds you so much of the pain and suffering. I didn't have this opportunity though, so please, take it.

I want you to know you're one of the brightest students I've ever had the privilege of knowing." She said as she gave me quick hug. "Don't make me regret this, okay?"

I nodded as I gave her a knowing smile. "Don't worry... I know how amazing you're being. Thank you..." She just gave me a knowing motherly nod before she and her secretary left. I ran my free hand over my messy hair as my lungs let out an exasperated sigh.

I walked down the white pristine hallway, feeling somewhat better I guess. Well... as good as I could feel right now. The weight of his binder under my arm was calling for me to look at it.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I pulled it in front of me, my fingers running on the front of it as a sad smile grew on my lips. I continued walking down the hallway, not paying attention to the people around me as I finally opened it.

Nico's binder was filled with tons of his artwork... from drawings of Astro, many Pokemon, paintings of him and I, and quotes of from all his favourite movies or TV shows (most of them from Star Wars) I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, which of course meant I walked right into someone. His binder fell face down onto the floor as I gave some nurse an apologetic smile.

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