Chapter 50: The Wedding Day!

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A/N: This is my first attempt to wrote a wedding scene, I don't have any ideas about wedding thingy.. Hahahahah..and i think the storyline is a bit shaky, (i guess so, u judge lah) your review/comment is welcome, or any suggestion.

Deanney was excited. She never thought that this day would come - the day of her wedding.

And she was really scared. She was so nervous than even Alexis, her sister, couldn't calm her.

Lauren and Alexis were there to support her, but she was still so nervous. She wanted to see Jessica to assure herself, but she couldn't. Those were the rules. It was bad luck, (i heard about it, so i guess).

Deanney was wearing a beautiful white dress that Alexis had helped her to pick out.

Alexis brought another glass of water in an attempt to calm her, but Deanney refused. She liked feeling excited. It was good.

Alexis and Lauren were wearing beautiful red dresses made of silk, while Jayden and Joel is wearing a waistcoat instead of jacket.

On the other side of room, Jessica was nervous too. Jessica was being helped by her two alley - Coldie and James.

But Lauren ended up helping her more because Coldie and James started to fight about some football results.

Lauren had always known about Jessica's feelings about Deanney and decided to have a little chat with Jessica before the wedding took place.

It had been almost two years since Deanney and Jessica had reconciled their love and everything had happened so quickly.

It was six months ago, when Jessica decided to propose. She had been somewhat afraid that Deanney would refuse, but to her great delight and surprise, she had accepted. There had been so much magic in that moment. All she had ever wanted was to spend the rest of her life with the woman she loved.

Both families are present on the wedding.

It was almost six o'clock, time for Jessica and the others to take their place in the beach by the altar.

"It's show time, dorky," Coldie told her. She was wearing a beautiful and colorful suit jacket the color of sky blue.

"Thank you, Coldie," answered Jessica, still nervous.

"Don't worry, dork. Everything's going to be all right. You two will get married today, and then suddenly, you'll have a bunch of annoying kids to play with me"

Jessica smiled at that. "I hope so."

"Are you ready?" asked Coldie, as she walked over to open the door to access the beach front after she and James finally decided to disagree about the outcome of the football game.

"Yes, I am."

"Good. Come on!" James told her.

"You look very gorgeous. Deanney won't know what hit her when she walks in there," Lauren said while she put a flower in the buttonhole of Jessy's suit coat.


Deanney was still starring in the mirror. She couldn't believe that she would be married to Jessy within a few minutes. In a way, it was too much for her, but at the same time, she couldn't wait.

I wish you two all the happiness you deserve." Alexis smiled at her.

"Oh, thank you, Alexis. You're so sweet"

Joel opened the door. "Hey, Jessy is already waiting at the altar."

"Thank you, Joel."

"Five by five."

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