Chapter 38: Back to NY

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But... we're leaving tomorrow morning for New York." She frowned, but I was smiling.


"You're going back to pack and do some paperwork, aren't you?" I asked as I slid my t-shirt off and my new one on.

"Uh... well yeah? What about it?" She questioned.

"Why don't I go with you? We can talk about getting an apartment together and I can get to know Nico."

"And you don't think this is all a bit fast?" She questioned me once again. I looked back at her with a serious look on my face, a smile on her once more. "Do we even have money for an apartment...?"

"Don't worry about that... I've got that covered completely.
How is this too fast? Besides, you decided it, not me." I laughed as I pointed that out to her. She tilted her head as she rolled her eyes.

"I meant is it too fast for you? Because I mean... it is a little intense, don't you think?" She asked as she pulled me back onto her lap. I wrapped my arms around her tightly as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Do you really need to ask that, Jessica?" I could feel her laugh as she rubbed my back.

"I guess not, huh?"

————— At Jessica's NY Apartment——-

"Can you hand me that?" Jessica asked me as I was looking around her amazing apartment. I looked to where she had pointed and picked up the two pictures frames, handing them to her. She smiled as I looked over my shoulder to see that Nico had actually fallen asleep with Astro. "Cute, huh?"

"Completely, Jessy... are you sure you just want to uproot everything that you've been working so hard on?" I asked with all seriousness. "I mean... I know we talked about it pretty much the entire flight back here... but isn't this a little insane?" I asked.

Jessica sighed as she placed the now wrapped frames into the large moving box.

"Why?" Was all she said. I frowned as I rubbed the back of my neck, my eyes casted backwards as I made sure Nico was indeed sleeping.

"We haven't talked in years... you don't feel rushed?" I asked as I drew my eyes back towards hers.

She had a frown on her face as I watched her lungs let out the air she had been holding. I watched as she ran her slender fingers through her hair, taking a seat in the kitchen table. I stood a few feet from her, my eyes casted down to her.

"Deanney, I'm doing what I feel is right. I don't feel rushed, I'm the one that came up with the idea.

If this is too much for you personally, then why did you come all the way here to help me pack up my apartment?" She wondered as she looked up at me. I frowned as I pulled the other chair up next to her.

"I didn't mean to make that sound like it was too fast for me. It's just... I look at how great your life is now, why would you want to ruin it?" I watched as a single, lonely tear made its way down her cheek, making me feel uneasy... making me feel protective. "What's wrong?"

"You don't feel the same, do you?" Was all she asked. I sat there confused as to what she meant.

"What do you mean?" I watched as she rolled her eyes, sniffling slightly as she looked back to me.

"You don't feel for me the same way as I do for you; is what I am trying to get at it." I sat there completely confused now.

"What are you talking about? I just simply asked why you want to change your life...?" I scrunched my nose up as I looked at her sad face.

"Well... isn't it obvious?" She asked me. I looked over to her with a sad face, but all she did was shake her head, lean over the table and place her oh so gentle lips upon mine. Her hand was touching my cheek lightly as she moved her lips slowly with me, my eyes closing without me realizing it. She pulled away after a few moments, a small smile on her now red lips. "I've been dreaming of love, the missing part of my life. You were always that part, Dey. There's just no denying it anymore... at least for me." I stared at her as she gave me a genuine smile, sitting back down in her seat. I took a breath as I nodded. "I love you, it's that simple."

"I love you too, but..." Jessica placed two fingers onto my lips. I closed my mouth as I smiled.

"No. No more complications." She said as she stood up. "Do you feel for me as I feel for you? As much as I have felt for you for the years that has passed?" She asked as she extended her hand to mine. I raised my brow at the cute gesture. I smiled as I took it though. I adored that beautiful toothy grin that appeared on her lips

"Of course." I said as I placed my hands on her hip, hers to my back. I was leaned in to kiss her though when I heard Astro bark. I jumped slightly as I caught my breath.

Jessica laughed as she turned around to see a sleepy Nico sitting up now, Astro running to her front door as we heard a knock. She looked at me puzzled as she walked over to it, looking in the eyehole. Jessica's body tensed as she turned around to me with a annoyed face. "Who is it?"

"Open the door, Jessica, I know you're back. I can hear Astro barking." I didn't recognize the voice, but I could tell Jessica was not pleased with whoever it was. I walked over to her, unlocked the door and opened it; against her whispering wishes though.

Before me stood a.... well a different kind of girl. She was looking me up and down with a disgusted face. "Who the hell are you?" She said as she shoved passed me, nearly knocking me off my feet.

I stood there slightly confused as she barged on in, straight to Jessica who looked extremely uncomfortable. "Who is this bitch baby?" She asked Jessica. I looked around her to see Jessica, who looked uneasy.

"Bitch? Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked, now annoyed myself. The girl turned towards me with a rude glare.

"I'm Kimmy, her girlfriend."

A/N: Oh ow... here comes the trouble...What's gonna happen next??

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