Chapter 19: At the Airport

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"And what are these for?" A security officer asked as he went through Nico's medical bag. I closed my eyes as I took a breath to calm myself.

"Really sir?" I just handed you a detailed list, signed by the Dean Of Medicine at the Colombia Children's Hospital herself, and a signed chemical waiver from the JFK international airport head security. His medical sheet was double checked yet you seemed to be giving me the most difficulty." I huffed as I crossed my arms in annoyance. He looked down at me with a frown on his face.

"It's just protocol ma-," He started, but I threw my arms up in annoyance as I looked back at Nico.

"Can you just call the damn head officer then? My god..."

We wasted twenty minutes waiting for him to check out everything... have I informed you that I officially hate airports?

"Sorry about all of the trouble with my medication, I'm not sure why people are so anal about it, it's not like I don't look sick or anything." Nico said as we finally made our way to gate ten. I looked down at him as I pushed him in the wheelchair.

"It's not your fault that some people are just stupid" I said as I looked at my phone; 10 am... we still had another hour to waste.

"He wasn't stupid; he was just doing his job. Are you okay? You seem really stressed out..." He asked as I parked his wheel chair by the giant window so he could watch the planes take off the run ways. I took a seat nearby, placing my bag on the seat next to me.

"I'm just stressed out I guess, sorry if I seem cranky." I said as I watched him close up his carry-on bag; his Nintendo ds bag.

"Well, do you want to talk about it?" He asked as he wheeled closer to me. I looked at him with a curious look; my eyebrow raised slightly. "Oh, come on! You always talk to me about stuff like that!" I couldn't help the laugh that ran through me. "What is so funny...?"

"Nothing, I just find it pretty amazing that you act so much older than you really are yet you still act young at the same time. It's just really cute." I smiled at his annoyed face.

"Stop avoiding the question, Jessy." He said in a serious tone. I hushed another laugh as I smiled once again, patting his head.

"I'm fine, really I am. There's nothing to worry about." I said as I pulled my wallet out of my purse. "Now, would you like a muffin from the coffee cart? Or tea?" I asked as I stood up.

"Can I have some candy?" He asked with hopeful eyes, his mood changing dramatically. I smiled at him with a knowing look. "Doesn't hurt to try, right?"

"How about... a muffin now and when we land in Denver CO. we'll get some candy then, sound fair?" I asked as I pulled out some money.

"That sounds good!" He said as I started to walk away. "Can I get a soda?" I turned back around. "Just kidding... tea is fine." He said as he pouted. I laughed as I continued to walk.
By the time we arrived at LAX, Nico was already extremely tired. I grinded my teeth as I look at the time, eight p.m... I sighed as I remembered the two hour delay in Denver...
"Please wait until your section is cleared to depart the plane.
Thank you for flying with us today, have a pleasant evening." I heard over the intercom. I looked at Nico to see he was half awake.

"I'll be right back." I told him as I kissed him on the head. All he did was nod as closed his eyes, his head leaning back against the chair. I really don't think the flight attendant liked me very much as she saw me coming her way as she helped someone get a bag out of the over head compartment.

"Uhm... I need to have a wheel chair accessible the minute we leave the gate." I said as I looked up at her. She looked at me, her mood obviously a bad one.

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