Chapter 35: Jessica & Nico

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A/N: Hey guys!!! I'm back in one piece from my Bangkok exoticventure... so, here we go;

What's the matter?" I heard Nico ask . We were sitting outside on my patio as he read the newspaper while I read, or just stared at, some book.

"Nothing, why?" I asked with a smile on my face. He looked at me for a hard second before placing the newspaper down. I frowned at him as he crossed his arms.


"You're lying. Why can't you just tell me?" He questioned me. I sighed as I placed the book on the table.

"I went to see Deanney last night. I told her how I felt, and she just acted like she didn't care." I said as I didn't look at him, staring straight ahead. I could hear him sigh as the chair scooted closer to the table.

"I took your advice. I told her how I felt and I got... well.... Not what I wanted to hear." I frowned as I looked at him. He had this cute serious face about him as he stared hard up at me.

"You are aware she's lying right?" He asked with all seriousness edged in his tone.

"How do you figure that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He smiled as he leaned back in his chair once more, grabbing the Sunday paper in front of him.

"I have my ways." He said with a grin etched on his face. I laughed as I grabbed the paper from his hands. "Hey!" He frowned as I smirked over to him.

"Tell me and you can have your precious paper back." I smiled down at him. He huffed out and rolled his eyes.

"It's obvious to me. I watched her the entire time we were eating breakfast yesterday. You guys kept looking at each other. Besides, I saw you two making out in the kitchen." He said as he yanked the paper back. I blushed at that as I remembered.

"She still cares deeply for you. Trust me, if it's one thing I've gotten excellent at, its reading people action and mind." He said as he started to read the paper again. I sat back in my chair as I contemplated his opinion. "You really don't think so?" He asked after a minute or two. I gave him a quick glance as I leaned my head back to stare up at the clouds.

"It's just hard to think that she was lying. She sounded so serious. But... the way she looked at me and the way she kissed me tells me otherwise too. I'm just sad, because I bare myself out to her and it did nothing."

"Jessy, you left her. You broke her heart. Did you really think winning her back would be that easy? Come on, I'm still a kid and I know how this works." He honestly expressed. I looked at him as he just stared at his paper.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well... your dad said he wanted to take me over to his work." He said with a smile on his face. I smiled as well as I looked over to him.

"You two are getting along great, huh?" I asked as I watched him place the paper back on the table.

"Yeah, we share a lot in common. I'm going to miss your family when we have to go back to New York." He frowned as he walked back into the house. I smiled as I noticed how much this new medication was helping him. He seemed alive more than ever. Was it the fact that he was surrounded by good things and not just those depressing hospital walls? 'What if we didn't go back to New York...?'

I know, i know... it's short but hey, my brained still floating..ok!!! Chill, next chapter will be a bit longer :-) (maybe)

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