Chapter 32: At The Old Beautiful House

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It took me probably a good hour to walk all the way there, but it was worth it. It over looked the city and the environment was just so... magical? I don't really know the word for it.
I remember I used to paint this place numerous times though, and every time it came out better than the last time I remembered it.

I went under the 'fence' and moved the bushes out of the way so I could make my way to the back door that was always left unlocked.

I know, I'm trespassing, but I've been doing it for... well for years.
Jessica and I would climb the giant staircase and go in the bedroom where a huge picture window had once been. I don't know what happened to this place, but a huge hole was left where that window was, so we use to sit on the edge and dangle our feet off the side, cuddling.

I made my way up the stairs and into the familiar room to see a dark figure sitting on the ground, their back against the wall.

"I figured you still came here...." I heard Jessica's voice came out. I sighed as I watched Jessica stand up and walk into the bright moon lit room. I frowned as she took a look at me for a moment before she took a seat over the edge. "It's been years since we came here..." She said with a sad tone. I rolled my eyes as I moved over to her, taking a seat slowly.

"Why are you here?" I asked after a few silent moments. "If you heard what I said back at your house, why would you come here?" I asked curiously. I could see in my peripheral vision she was casting me a look, but she looked back out and sighed.

"Deanney... I didn't want to see you for certain reasons. I told you that I still want you... I know you want me too.... I'm not being conceited about that, but your sister just... well she told me what happened."

"She didn't have a right to tell you that." I said sharply as I mentally noted to kill Alexis. I looked down to the ground and closed my eyes.

"Maybe, but... I couldn't see you... because I knew I still.... Well... I still love you so much Dey..." I heard her say. I sighed as I rested back on my hands, her words sinking into me. I looked at her, but she kept her eyes head forward, hands clasped in her lap. I looked up at the sky and smiled as I let the words replay in my head.
"When I was away, I promised myself to move on. I dated other people, I got a decent paying job, and I'm doing so well in school. Then I met Nico, he's one of the leukemia patients at the children's hospital we work at as students. He's only ten years old and... well his family abandoned him. I'm sure you're wondering why on earth I'm telling you this when it has nothing to do with you." She said as she pulled her knees up to her chest; no eye contact from her though.

I studied her body for a moment as I didn't say anything, giving her the hint to continue with what she was trying to explain. "Well, after a few months working with him, we became rather close.

I'm now his only caregiver at the evening shift, when normally everyone helps out. After being with him for basically two years, he and I basically became like child and parent. So... I decided to bring him home to meet my family, to show him I care about him and that my family would too. He kept telling me to go see you, because I've told him about you so much and well yeah.

At first, I thought it would be a horrible idea, because of well.... Of why, I left in the first place. Dey, over the past basically five years, I still haven't been able to get you out of my head. I know you said you wanted closure... and I know I didn't contact you, but I thought at the time that it would be too hard for the both of us.

When Alexis told me what happened to you months ago, I felt like the stupidest person alive for not being there when I should have been." She said finally as she looked over her shoulder to look at me. I kept a stern face as I took a glance at her.

"What do you want me to say to all of that...?" I asked her after a few moments of silence. I kept my composure as I watched her frown.

"Jessy... you can't expect to come here and see me, even though you didn't even want to, and everything just fall into place like you didn't even leave." I said honestly as I paid close attention to how the moon was kissing her face. She looked away from me, her head moved forward as she looked upwards.

"You know what bothers me the most?" She asked randomly. I didn't say anything though. "The fact that you act like what we had been just a stupid high school fling." I grunted as I heard her say this. "I'm serious," She said as she turned back to look at me, her right arm leaning back as she put weight on her hand.

"You act like I don't know what I'm talking about. Look, I'm sorry I left you Dey. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my entire twenty-three years of existence.

But, I was eighteen, hurt, and frustrated with you." She said as she moved closer to me. I moved back slightly, but she didn't give me much room as she rolled her eyes and straddled me. I leaned back on my elbows once again as I gasped at her sudden... well yeah, you know her presence.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed reading & please send me reviews on what you think gonna happen next !!! :-) ...
And also, thanks for the ideas fellas.. you guys are the best..

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