Chapter 27: Box Full of Memories

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"Don't you think she has the right to know?" I heard barely as the water was running. I splashed some cold water on my face as I trained my ears to listen in now. "I mean, she does have a right love." I heard Alexis sigh as she more than likely cuddled up next to the slim girl.

"I know that, it's just that... I think it would completely ruin her, Coldie. Look at Deanney, she's been through fucking hell the past few months, I just want her to be okay, ya know?"

"I understand that babe, but seriously... not to be rude, but I don't think it's your place to say anything about that anyway. I think we should tell her and let her decide what she wants to do about it." Coldie whispered. I turned the faucet off, turning the light off in the bathroom as I leaned against the doorframe to hear them better.

"I don't know Coldie.... How do you think she'll react knowing that Jessica is in town?" I stood there, shell shocked as I couldn't even react to hearing that.

"Do you hate Jessica or something? Because, you were just so angry at her." Coldie asked.
You'd think I would have barged in, demanding answers, but... instead I stood there, listening.

"No, I don't hate her. I looked up to her like I look up to Deanney; they were together every day, doing everything together. I was upset because she said all that crap, yet she's not even going to see Deanney. And Frankly, I don't think she should."

"Well, isn't that a catch twenty-two. You'll be mad at Jessica regardless of what she does. Hold on, I'm going to the bathroom." Coldie said as she threw the door open. I didn't even bother moving as I leaned against the bathroom door across the hall. She locked eyes with me as she was barely dressed. "Er... Hi Deanney..." Was all she said. In no time, Alexis stood next to her, a disgruntled face on her features.

"You heard all of that... didn't you?" Alexis asked firstly. I just nodded as I leaned on my good leg, my eyes shifted to the floor. I felt Alexis's hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off as I glared at her.

"Coldie is right. I have a right to know, Alexis." I said as I crutched back into my room, shutting the door and locking it.

I sighed as I laid on my bed, my eyes fixed on my closet door. Behind those doors, was that special box... filled with things and such Jessica had given me over the years we knew each other. Alexis tried to convince me to open the door, worried that I was going to kill myself. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at such a stupid idea. I may have been depressed for a month, but that doesn't mean I was suicidal. I was actually insulted when I was asked to see a shrink. I did it of course; pleasing my mother and possibly making her feel better. I rolled my eyes again at the remembrance as to why I went through that anyway.

I've never felt so alive in my life, and it wasn't even true. Now... she's actually here and I can't seem to even feel anything towards it except nervousness. For the past few moments I've been laying here, the only thing I can think of, is to go there and see her. 'She didn't even want to see me though!' I ground my teeth together as I sat up, glaring at my closet.

The next thing I knew, I was writing a small note to Jessy, the box in my hands, and down the street I walked. It was more than likely extremely bad for my leg, considering I didn't bring my crutches.

My leg was burning, but I actually liked the feeling... in a strange way. I took deep breathes, a mile or so gone behind me as I turned down the familiar street. I could hear my phone going off, but I ignored it as I pushed onward. I needed to see her, to give her back everything that meant anything to me. I felt my heart ripping as I walked even closer. I was just two houses down from hers and knowing that she was actually in her house, made me nervous.

However, before I even went up to her walkway, I heard tires skid to a stop and Alexis and Coldie running up to me; my crutches in Coldie's hands. I sighed as I closed my eyes, balancing on my good leg.

"Are you nuts?! What if something happened.
Deanney?!" Alexis nearly yelled at me. I rolled my eyes as I kept on going up the long walkway. I was stopped when Alexis grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Be reasonable, Deanney... you don't want to do this... come on. Let's get you back home, your leg has to be killing you..." That, is when I blew the hell up.

"Listen, I'm nearly twenty-three, I can take care of myself. I know what I'm doing, so don't tell me its not safe... I know my limitations, Alexis. So please, for my sanity... let me do this." I said as I squeezed her arm gently. She frowned as Coldie wrapped an arm around her.

"She'll be fine love." Coldie said as she smiled over to me, the only encouragement I felt. Alexis looked back up to me and gave me a seldom smile. So, I took a breath, turned around, and headed up to the Faye's doorbell. As I pushed the familiar button, I felt nervous and queasy. I looked back at the girls, who stood not too far away from me. I could hear footsteps on their hardwood floor coming closer.

When the door open, I wasn't anticipating that the girl I was still in love with, would be the one answering it. I felt my throat tighten up heavily as she looked down at me, shocked as well. I held back my smile as I noted her messy hair thrown up in a bun.

"Hi to you too." I said as I did the only thing I could think of at the time; the box being shoved into her arms. I didn't let her speak as I turned around and started to walk back over to the girls.

"Wait, Deanney!" She yelled after me, her hand grabbing at my bare arm. I closed my eyes, inhaled, and did something I never imagined doing to Jessica... I slapped her across the face. I sighed as she gasped, but I refused to actually look up at her. 'Come on! Say something! Say you're sorry! Oh my god, Deanney! Do something!' My brain kept telling me, but I did nothing. "Deanney..." I heard her angelic voice say.

"It was nice seeing you again." She said as I shifted my eyes a few times before I placed a hand behind her golden locks. I leaned in and kissed the red cheek that I had just slapped, my eyes closed momentarily as I let my lips linger slightly. I pulled back, offering her a sad smile as I felt someone's hand place on my shoulder.

"Come on, Deanney..." Alexis said as she turned my body away from Jessica. I tried to control my emotions, actually hoped she would run after me.

However, the voice I heard, wasn't the one I expected.

A/N: please support and read my AlyDen Story; Status: Complicated Love

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