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Benji wouldn't awnser my calls and he kept on leaving me on read so I decided to face time Ryan instead as he might know what's going on.

"Hey what's up why you up so late on a school night?" Ryan's raspy voice said into the phone. "Is benji over at your place or some shit because he won't respond to me" I said

"I don't rlly know where he's at but I'm sure he's safe" he said "benji is a big boy he always finds his way" Ryan once again said reassuring me.

"Yeah you're right, I'm literally taller than this guy how do you expect him to defend himself" I laughed sarcastically.

"I honestly don't know but he for sure is smart" he laughed. " yeah smarter then you in fact" I giggled

"Aight well you have a cute smile" he said smirking into the camera.

I started blushing so I faced my camera into a certain angle so he couldn't see

"Lemme see you smile baby girl" he said making me giggle again

And so the conversation went on. Talking about various types of topics and subjects until we both fell asleep


There was a continuous buzz sound coming from the right side of my bed.
I opened my eyes and was met with complete darkness which is rare because there's usually the street light shining into my bedroom.

The buzz had been coming from my phone this whole time. I picked it up and saw that I'm being spammed by benji.

They seemed to be screenshots from my perspective face timing Ryan.
Except I couldn't see myself neither do I remember taking them

I for sure wasn't high yesterday neither did I drink meaning the only way benji could have got this is if someone was in my room and took it from my phone

I turned my head around now facing the window and seeing a figure in black sitting on my window. The figure eclipsed the moonlight behind it only letting out a little amount of light.

"What the fuck" I yelled jumping back.
"Relax your tities it's just me" benji's voice said abnormally low.

"Where the fuck where you, why didn't you pick up my calls, why are you in my room, how the fuck do you know my passw-", I screamed.

"Shut up Kelsey why were you FaceTiming Ryan at four in the morning" he yelled back

"Answer my questions first what the fuck" I said sitting straight up now.

"No explain why you're getting all close and shit with my fucking best friend". He now said really low sounding a lil scary.

"It doesn't look like what it seems alright" I said now giving up.

" I called Ryan late this night to ask if you by any chance came to his place because I was worried and couldn't sleep" I said

"He said no and I think we may have forgot to hang up because I didn't hear nothing" I said partially lying. I said this because I didn't want him thinking me and Ryan were close in any sort of way.

"Aight the reason why I couldn't pick up your calls was because my phone was dead and when I went around doing some errands" , "what errands" I asked him curiously.

"Just picking up things and dropping them off. Anyways after I was done I came back home and headed to Cyrus's house to check up on the video-"

"Why didn't you just call him haven't you heard about the mysterious things going on" yelled worried.

"Kel, there's more to it. It couldn't have been solved over the phone" he said now hugging me.

I'm not sure if he's lying or not but what he said doesn't feel right. But I didn't want to ask anymore questions

"You okay baby?" He said sitting laying down next to me and rubbing my head.

"Yeah, one last question how did you know my password for my phone" i questioned.

"You once told me your password a while ago and besides that you always type it in front of me" he said taking of his shoes.

"What you no longer trust me? I should be the one questioning and interrogating you" he said now sitting up again.

"Dude chill I trust you" I said.
Except I didn't, he's been acting really sus lately or maybe it's just what Ryan said earlier getting to my head.

He started cuddling me making me freeze in place as he's never done this before.

as I melted into his arms and warmth the song Whoa (mind in awe) by x started playing from his phone.

darkness completely engulfed me once again leading me to sleep.

I feel so uncomfortable writing love scenes and shit like that. I honestly don't know why I'm writing this book but it's whateva
The baby girl part had me hella cringing


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