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"Why the fuck are you here?" I say.

"Why are you here again, Benji" I say repeating myself.

"I'm sorry I just really need someone to talk to right now" Benji says as a light tear runs down his cheek.

"Holy shit come in" I say opening my door. The last time I'd seen Benji cry was back when we graduated middle school and even then it was really hard for him to cry.

"I'm sorry it's just that I'm freaking out over Ashley, her parents think I'm involved with her missing because I was seen last to talking to her and she may actually be missing. Like deadass"
He says sitting down on one of my sofas.

"It's okay just calm down. Everything is fine and if you're not involved you wouldn't get in trouble" I say sitting down next to him. It started to rain outside lightly so I decided to close a few of my living room windows.

"Hey Benji"


"Here's a blanket" I say throwing one at him. "Thanks, honestly. I thought you wouldn't want to speak to me after the break up" he says.

"To be honest that was my plan but I don't think I can do that right now" I say sitting down next to him.

I'm trying my hardest to avoid Benji and be ''mean" to him however I can't leave him in this state, it would be unfair seeing the circumstances. However, it pains my heart to hear him talk about Ashley like this.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the blank ceiling above us which used to always creak at night. "Kel, I'm sorry" benji says. I look at him confused.

"Im sorry, because for whatever reason I wasn't good enough" he says again. "Benji I don't understand" I say . He laid on his back and his hands tucked underneath his head. His gaze now turned towards me, In the dim light I could see him staring at me.

"You broke up with me, for a reason. It must be because I was a shit boyfriend. Or was it because I didn't take care of you properly or wa-" he said just before being interrupted by me. "Benji stop!" I yelled at him.

He does this whenever he's panicking or over thinking. "Benji please just calm down I didn't break up with you for any of those reasons" i say sitting up again.

" What was it then, we were so amazing together" he says placing his hand on mine smiling to himself. "you can't even fucking tell me why you broke up with me" he says harshly removing his hand from mine. "I'm sorry, I just can't say" I said.

"Oh is it because I should not be trusted?! ".

He put his hand on my neck and wrapped his fingers around it. I tried removing his fingers with my hand but it only became tighter.

"Benji What the fuck" I say as his emotionless eyes stared deep into my soul. He reminds me too much of his brother. His finger nails were now digging into my skin most likely leaving a mark. "Benji stop you're hurting me" I manage to whisper with all the strength I had in my voice.

I began frantically scratching his face and hands trying to remove his grip from my neck as it was becoming a struggle to breath. Just before my vision went black, he loosened his grip and his head came in view. He stared at me immensely coming closer by each second still gripping onto my neck which aches.

"I miss you" he said before going into a kiss.

I woke up the following day with a sore throat. The rest of my body ached too. I limped to my bathroom to get ready for school, I then realised Benji is still in my house, holy shit what did we do.

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