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I dragged myself upstairs and laid down with my party outfit still on. What the fuck just happened. I checked my phone and saw 10 missed calls from Cyrus but no reply from Ryan at all. One message however which did catch my eye was from Ashley. It read "you fucking bitch, how could you literally do that in front of me" "I'm sorry it was a dare I wish I could take it back" I replied and was left on read and decided to go to sleep.

I woke up with a bad migraine I'm obviously having a hangover, fuck. My legs ached as I stood up to get some painkiller in order to get rid of the pain. As I took a glass out of my cabinet I saw my phone charging beside me on a counter.

I guess I charged it yesterday night. I checked my phone looking for any sort of reply from Ryan, what the fuck? It read 1pm I forgot I had school today. I run up my stairs and had the quickest shower, changed into a champion hoodie and some leggings despite my headache.

I then realised there's no point in going to school as we had only a few hours left so decided to stay at home. I checked my phone to see what I've missed in better detail. There was about 30 missed calls from Cyrus 15 messages from Mia and still no awnser from Ryan.

It's weird because I can't just call Benji and ask if Ryan's fine because he's my ex and I can't ask Cyrus because of what happened last night. I texted my mom asking where she is and the message failed to send what the fuck, she should be home right now.

Just as I said so I heard my doorbell ring and a rhythm of knocks, sounds familiar. I went downstairs and quickly tied my hair into a bun to look presentable. The knocks continued more harshly as I walked down the corridor. "Hold the fuck up" I scream at whoever.

I opened the door and was met with the last person I'd ever think of. Benji.
"Hey?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Is Ashley with you here? She's been missing since yesterday night and her parents asked for me to check your place" he said looking behind me.

"Uh she isn't" I say disregarding the fact that he completely ignored my greeting.

"Do you maybe know where she is?" He said.

"Nope we don't talk" I say answering him.

"Oh yeah" he said looking down at his shoes and kicking dirt on the floor. Awkward silence had now taken over the conversation which lead me to ask  about Ryan.

"Do you know where Ryan is?" I said."Nah probably at school or something" he replied. "Oh, ok" I said.
Silence once again took over the conversation leading me to say bye which in response he says "hold on, I also came because Cyrus has been spamming me to check up on you, he says you should call him back or sumn".

"Right" I say with a pause, "I'll do that". "Anything else" I say obviously agitated that he's still at my door. "That will do, yesterday was nice by the way" he says smirking a little. "Yeah, bye" I say back closing the door. what the fuck He can't be playing with me like that, he knows what he's doing.

Not a minute later the door bell rang again. "Wha-" I began saying before realising it wasn't Benji who stood at the door anymore.

"Excuse me are you Kelsey Smith?" an officer asks me. "Yeah" I say confusingly. "You're needed for questioning on behalf of Ashley derek's missing case" another officer says.

"Missing case? It hasn't even been 24 hours for you to say a person is missing" I say. "She's probably at someone's house from a one night stand" I say rolling my eyes.

"Due to the events of the past month we're obliged by the sherif to investigate this situation as early as possible" the officer says.


I sat in a small office with a petite woman opposite from me. She seemed as if she were in her thirty's due to her facial structure.

"Hello I'm Gabriel Adams and I'm here to question you on Ashley Derek, I understand you may be confused but you will have to answer these questions" the lady says.

"First what's your relationship with Ashley" she asks me.

"She used to be my best friend but we don't talk anymore" I say fiddling with my hands.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but she's dating your ex, Benji "


She writes something on her note pad and turns to look at me again.

"We found Ashley's phone at yesterday nights scene and her last text message was from you to her"

I gulped knowing this may not seem good in the polices eyes at all. "We played a game at the party which involved me making out with her boyfriend and that is what she's mad about" I say my voice shaking a little.

The lady continued to interrogate me for the next hour or so all based on me and Ashley's relationship and what happened at the party yesterday. She explained to me I could've been in huge trouble but there wasn't much evidence to prove I was part of this and my story linked pretty well to some other people who were also interrogated.

In my Uber from the station reality really struck me as I scrolled down my twitter feed, Ashley is really missing what the fuck. This must be some sick joke. She cannot be part of the "missing girls" as we call them in our school.

I started panicking as I realised I may be next, Mia may be next legit every girl is not safe right now. However another part of me is secretly happy she's gone, meaning I can have Benji to me again. Fuck what is wrong with me.

My phone began ringing and I picked it up to hear Mia's voice, finally. "hey kel where have you been?" She says. "I slept over my alarm and got called to the police station." I say. "What you got arrested?" She asks me. "No, I wish, they just brought me in for questioning. I'm actually really concerned about Ashley" I say

"Why she is a bitch anyway" Mia says. "Yeah but she was once really close to me, I've basically known her since knee height". I say

"anyways you've missed out on a lot, they've set new rules in assembly today. We're not allowed parties and anyone who plans one will have consequences" she says

"Holy shit that's a bit extreme" I say in response. "That's just the least of it, all girls are going to be assigned a boy to walk them home everyday until they've found the cause to the killing spree" she says. "And why do we have to be assigned boys, are girls not tough enough?" She continues.

Mia is a strong feminist so you could see why she'd say that. "I was told at the office that they're mainly targeting girls so this is maybe the reason why and you could obviously see the only people who have gone missing so far are all girls" I say.



"Have you seen Ryan today"


"How does he look?"

"I don't know he's seems confusingly fine seeing the circumstances we're in right now"

"Did he ask for me"

"Not to me"

"Oh" I say as the Uber parked outside my house.

"I'm home now I'll call you back later" I say getting my items and stepping out the car. "Alright stay safe" she says and hung up.

as I'm looking for my keys in my pocket I hear "Kel you're here thank God!"'

I look up and who's standing in front of me shocks me.

"Why the fuck are you here"

Guys I'm really interested to see what you think about the story so far and what you think is gonna happen so comment if u can

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