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A heard a familiar lullaby play in the background. I opened my eyes and saw Ryan, Ashley, Benji and Cyrus all dressed in black.

"Ryan!" I shout walking towards him but he doesn't seem to hear me. Whats wrong with this dude. I looked around and saw that they were sitting in the school office waiting room, the same place we were held in when being questioned. "How'd we get here?" I ask sitting beside Cyrus.

He started playing with his dreads and shook his head, "unbelievable" he said.

"What?" I reply with.

"I know right, she's so fucking dumb" Ashley says out of nowhere.

"Who?" I say again.

"You, you dumb bitch!" Benji says standing up from his chair.

"what I don't understand Ryan?" I say looking to Ryan for help. His head laid low and he looked at me in disappointment.

"Ryan what did I do?!" I screamed. "Ryan!" My voice echoed.
I jumped out of bed.

"What? What's wrong".  Ryan says as he rushes to the side of me. My hand was wrapped in a bandage and I seemed to be in a unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?" I questioned. "You're in the guest room" he says  "are you okay? I found you in the bathroom " he says hastily.

"Im fine, I think." Memories from what I saw last night came flooding back again, fuck.  "What triggered it?" He says calmly. "Benji" I say. "What do you mean? You saw?" He says "I did".

"So Benji made you cut?" He says slowly.
"So you still love him?"
"No I don't" I lied
"Okay well then get ready we have school, and you could borrow my hoodie if you want" he says standing up and going to his room.

That seemed a little cold. I stood up, did my normal routine and left the house earlier than Ryan did so that we wouldn't be seen together. I called Mia to come pick me up and we played music along the way to school. As we were parking I decided to tell her what had recently happened in the past 12 hours.

"Hold on so Ashley and Benji are dating? I wonder how Cyrus would feel about that" she said getting out the car. "Fuck I forgot about Cyrus, I mean it wouldn't exactly bother him as much since Ashley sleeps with  everyone, Legit everyone she even tried it with me. However Benji is his best friend so that's pretty fucked Up" I say

"Yeah but you're also with Ryan, Benji's best friend And they still talk, that's even more fucked up" Mia said now facing me. "Stop making me feel guilty" I say playfully hitting her on the shoulder.

We walked through the door way and saw Ashley laughing with a group of people who I've never seen hanging out with till now. "Oh so this is the ex" one of the boys say in a very feminine way. "Sis that hoodie isn't doing you any favours today" another one says.

"Um, hunny I think you should-" Mia says before being interrupted by Ashley. "Oh she's obviously wearing the hoodie for a reason, because she never does, oh. Have you been cutting?" She says taunting me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Ashley?" I say tearing up a little. "No what's wrong with you? You think I don't know about you and him?" She says. "What? How'd you know?" I reply.

"Word spreads quickly around here sweetie, you should know " she says and sits back down with her group. "Come on, let's go" Mia says dragging me with her to her locker.

I saw a small bench inside the hall way and sat down. "Anyways let's pretend that did not just happen, how is Ryan?" She says sitting near me.

"Ryan is fine, however he's been really clingy. He's like the opposite of Benji" I say.

"But you described Benji to be clingy too" she says

"I know but Benji was clingy in a different way, like he would always wanna do things together and he wouldn't ever wanna let go of my hand. Ryan on the other hand makes it seem like he needs me to breathe."

"I don't know, I find that cute" she says smiling. "Speaking of the angel, here he is" she says again as Ryan walks towards us.

"Hey babe" he says smiling at me. "Shhh, we're in school. Chill" I say. He nods towards Mia and she smiles in return. "I wanna speak to you" he says.

"Go on" I say. He looks at Mia who's deeply intrigued but all of a sudden blushes when Ryan stares at her indicating for her to leave.

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