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Thx for 2k guys, even with the slow updates you still seem to care. Love you all. ~ A/N Wtf this was supposed to be posted days ago. I thought it was Srry.

V0T3 & C0MM3NT✌️❤️
A/N= Authors Note
Its now lunch time and I decided to sit with Mia and her friends. "Guys, this is  Kelsey if you didn't already know" she said introducing me. "Hey, I'm Andrea" a girl I knew from my science class said, "why are you being so formal sit down" another girl named Wilson said as she pulled me down to a seat next to her.

There was one other girl, she had brunette hair with light strands of dirty blonde. She wore a very trendy but emo style of clothing. Her eyes were a very light blue which her long eyelashes strongly contrasted to. Her body posture was slumped on the seat whilst she had her phone in her hand vigorously typing.

"Oh, and this is Jessica" Mia lastly pointed at her. Jessica looked up and nodded her head then went back to her phone, not really acknowledging me. "It might take her a while to get used to you but that's just Jess" Andrea continued.

Shortly after getting to know each other I began noticing Benji and a group of his friends in their sweaty football uniforms. I sat up and walked towards Benji.

He smiled at me as he engulfed me in a deep hug , his hands ruffled my hair. " I love you" he said giving me a quick kiss. I would really like to ask him about Ashley and what she said this morning.

However if I brought it up he'd start questioning me about why I talked to her which I'm not ready for, I've already cheated on him several times with His bestfriend.

Speaking of his best friend, Cyrus presented himself from behind Benji which was followed by the sound of shoes clicking towards our direction.

I turned around to be met with Jessica, she stepped aside Benji and I then jumped on Cyrus. Both Cyrus's skin and Jessica's skin glowed in the sunlight it seemed like a movie as they kissed passionately.

I felt a slight touch on my chin which lead me to look back into Benji's eyes. They looked somewhat green and hazel in the sunlight. He pecked me on the lips and held onto my hand.

From the corner of my eye I saw Ryan, his expressionless face gave me the feeling of guilt as if I'd done something wrong. He sat in the distance staring hard and every time I looked back I caught him looking at me.

Cyrus and jess decided to join the table back where Mia, Andrea and Wilson sat. I turned around to no longer find Ryan amongst the crowds of people but to see him leaving the cafeteria and heading towards the halls.

I unexpectedly let go of Benji's grip and go after Ryan. When I looked back Benji rejoined himself with his group of friends and sat down. Once I left the cafeteria I looked both ways in search of Ryan who fortunately just entered a open classroom.

To my luck it was just the both of us and a empty class. "What's wrong Scrubby" I say mentioning his nickname. " you" he yelled. "What do you mean me?" I say back confused.
"You think I don't see you and Benji" he screamed dropping his bag.

"I do, but I already told you Benji is my boyfriend" I say. "What don't you understand Kelsey, I like you. You like me, you obviously don't like Benji because if you did you wouldn't be here right now having this conversation with me about us" he states. " make up your fucking mind kel" he continues.

" I don't know, I feel like I'm stuck within a love triangle. I've always liked you but I can't throw away what me and Benji have" I say.

"Holy shit" he sarcastically laughs, "haven't people been telling you about Benji" he continues. I stood in silence.

"Anyways it doesn't matter. Hurry up and tell Benji about us" he said pointing in between us. "or I will. And if you're in a love triangle, always choose the second person because if you loved the first you wouldn't have any interests in another" (A/N Note: Periodttttt) he said walking out the class room.

I sat there dumbfounded. I what he just said were literal facts and I need to make up my mind as soon as possible. Right then I heard the class room door open I turned around and saw a very shocked mia.

" what?" I say slightly confused. " you, and Ryan. Really?" She said very slowly. " holy shit you heard? I question her. " I'm sorry but I did, now sit down and tell me the pros and cons of both the boys Benji and Ryan." She says.

Later that day we both came to an agreement that it would be the right decision to speak to both Ryan and Benji, we knew which ones heart would most likely be broken. However we didn't know what it would lead to. And if we did we wouldn't have.

V0t3 & C0MM3NT✌️❤️

Lol idk why this took me so long, I legit had this ready for a very long time I just didn't know how to end it.
Shout out to Andrea and Wilson ✌️❤️

Jokes on you bitch Rdbenji&ScrubbyWhere stories live. Discover now