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*Will talk about sensitive subjects such as suicide and self harm.

It's Wednesday two days before we finish school. I feel weak, I don't want to go to school today as I don't see any good it would do me since I've been skipping the last few days.

My mother hasn't returned, I don't really care as I'm fine without her. I told my father and he's been giving me some money to keep myself alive.

I just finished getting dressed and checked my phone, 1pm it read. I also had a few notifications, one which surprised me especially was that Ryan had uploaded a video to his channel and called it "bye for now".

It freaked me out so I decided not to watch. I really don't want to know, if the one thing I think he did, he did I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I texted Mia telling her I wont be going to school again and asked her to watch the video for me. I'd eventually have to know, I just don't want to hear it from him.

I was scrolling through my other notifications until i heard an all too familiar sound. I plugged my phone back into my charger and went to check my window.

I open my window and indeed it is him. He struggles to climb into my window so I decided to give him a hand.

"Hey" he says.

"Hi, Benji" I say back.

"Doesn't it feel a bit like deja vu" he says.

"Yeah but this time you can use the front door you know" I say softly giggling.

" I guess some habits just stick with me, come on let's go" he says dragging my hand out of my room and downstairs. I quickly grabbed my phone and my keys.

"Where are we going" I yelled.
"you'll see" he says before harshly shutting my front door.

Benji and I got out of the Uber and thanked the driver before he drove off."Dude you don't always have to be spending your YouTube money on me" I say.

"No, I was just not in the mood to take the bus. Not every things about you".

"Are you still mad because I broke up with you? Wow"

"Nah, it's more like I'm mad that I didn't get a reason you broke up with me"

"Shut up, you should be glad you still have someone who still talks to you"

"I still have Cyrus other than you"

"I wouldn't count Cyrus, he's not exactly happy you dated his ex without permission" I said.

"Yeah, well he's just sad Ashley  is fucking dead" Benji said walking with his hands in his pockets.

"Dude are you stupid?" I ask stopping dead in my tracks. "What did I do?" Benji asks me.

"How could you just say that shes dead, she's not. She was once your girlfriend" I say looking into his eyes. "I-I'm sorry" he stutters.

"If i were to die or go missing I'd just be a dead ex to you too" I say before turning around and trying to find any exit.

I can't believe he could say such a thing about Ashley especially when we all grew up together and she isn't  a stranger.

"Kelsey! Where you going?" Benji yelled from behind me. "Home" I say before being stopped by something.

I turned my head to be faced with a guy about the height of 6 foot. it's a security guard. "excuse me why aren't you in school?". The man asked me.

Jokes on you bitch Rdbenji&ScrubbyWhere stories live. Discover now