I need some advice guys..

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Hey everyone. This isn't a chapter so if you don't want to read this that's okay. I'm just having some thoughts and wanna get them out.

You see, there's this guy, I've liked him for quite a while and he sorta knows it. Anyway, he just went through a break up not to long ago and has been gloomy ever since. I want him to be happy again but, no matter how hard I try, he just won't see what's right in front of him. I've come out and told him that I care about him and he can always count on me to be there but he refuses to believe it. So... I've come to you guys, my trusty Wattpad family for help. I feel awful seeing him like this and I can't get him to see what he's gained instead of focusing on what he's lost over the years. I know it's hard to get a person with depression to be happy because I'm one of them but, never has it ever been such a struggle for me to be happy. What should I do guys? I wanna know. Please, comment below on what you think I should do

Until next time, take it easy and stay miraculous.
Dakotah Waters

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