Chapter Five

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Before the end of the day, I walked out of the hall being engaged to Nathan Giuseppe Polaveja. Other woman would be overjoyed and likely won't ever dare to fall asleep because of a dream turned into a reality. Im not. I spend the whole time fidgeting and keep flashing the fakest smile possible until finally, my papa introduced my fiancé.

Everyone gathered and turned their attentions towards my papa including the media that scattered among the audience. Together with my mama, we sat behind the long white table upstage. My papa begun talking smoothly towards the sea of men and women. I  hardly understand what was he talking about for my heart beats like giant drums against my ears. What was there to listen to? It's like I didn't know what was going to happen. This is all sweet, persuasive talk to get all this men into his safe zone called "favor". The more persuasive his talk is, the more investment he gets. More money, more power, more influence. I closed my eyes hoping the tears that starts to pool in my eyes would retreat back to where they came from. Damn tears. Why would they come when we are trying so hard to be strong in front of our fears making us so helpless and vulnerable.

Maybe I closed my eyes for far too long now that memories starts dancing behind my closed lids. My mind wandered back to where my papa is just Henry Chen, a hardworking man trying to provide for his family. Back when we're still a nobody. Back when he still can afford time to spend for his family. Back when happiness doesn't cost fortune. I was seven that time.

A round of applause jolted me back to reality. An older man came upstage and shook papa's hand. He was tall, lean and had a fair skin. I'm not very good at guessing age but I thought he was roughly 40 to 50 years old and he was handsome. He rocked his plaid suit like a model straight from a photoshoot.

This is it. Papa sold me off to a man old enough to be my father.

Self pity was something I despised but right now I pitied myself more than I pity those homeless children who slept at night with an empty stomach. God's above, what have I done to deserve this kind of fate. Is this how far papa would go for the sake of his business? Let his daughter marry a man as old as him? I really wanted to cry now. This is ridiculous. So ridiculous.

"Señoras y señores, buenas tardes!"

Spanish. So this whole business thing my father was so focused about is about getting Europe. What could possibly sparked my fathers interest in Europe that he had to sell me mmmoff to this man. Surely it's not just about influence and ties. There has to be something noble about this whole façade.

Noble. Of course, it's noble because my father said so, so as my mother. Everything he does is noble. Why do I bother finding something that would justify nobleness about this when I am just a pawn in their games. Nothing is fair after all.

" son, Nathan Giuseppe Polaveja!"

Caught up by my own thoughts, I haven't noticed, not even heard that the man on the microphones has called someone upstage. Son. Did I hear it right?

Mama stood up so I followed her suit. I adjusted my skirt and turn to look at the ascending man towards the stage.

My world halted upon laying my eyes on him. Words aren't enough to describe how hot and gorgeous he is. He wore a silver suit that fitted him perfectly and cling to him like a second skin. He was tall, and also had a fair skin just like the man before him. Like his father. His jet black hair was properly groomed and was combed on the other side. Everything about him was perfect, from his thick black brows, his high cheekbones, his prominent jaw and his pinkish lips, lips that looks so soft and delicious. Suddenly, I thought about running my hands on his face as I stare at him every morning. Waking up next unto this sight would be a bliss. Sure enough I would take my time looking at him, and slowly lower down my face until my own lips landed on his. My, my. I would kiss him slowly, tease him until he kisses me back with a small mischievous smirk playing on his lips, roll me on the bed and kiss me harder like I was his source of air.

Stop that!

Momentarily, I kicked myself for letting my mind run wild amidst the problem right in front of me. For Pete's sake, I don't even know which of these men am I going to marry, yet here I am thinking about sharing a kiss with a complete stranger. My hopes are on the man in silver suit.  Oh for the love of god. Just stop. I looked at him again, once again drinking the sight of him. Not everyday, I see men like him and I take my chance that this would be the last time I will lay my eyes on a man. At least, before I seal my fate with someone from my father's choice I get to indulge myself into imagining how things are in somebody's arms. But the man says 'his son, Nathan Giuseppe Polaveja', which means this is him. The man I am going to marry. The gorgeous man in a fucking hot suit.

When our eyes met, suddenly, I regret taking my chances. For I saw eyes that screamed hatred towards me. A pair of gray eyes stared back at me like I have done something unforgivable, something that don't deserve forgiveness nor sympathy. Gray almost silver eyes. Is there even an eye color like that of him? Was it contacts? Definitely not. I shivered at how haunting his eyes stared back at me. It sent shivers down my spine that the hairs on my arms stood.

My mind told me to look away but a part at me told me not to. And damn this eyes for listening to the latter. I swallowed as I saw him walk slowly towards me, never leaving his eyes on me. My hands shook violently at my side. This is not good. So this is what it looks like being a prey. A prey looking at her predator's eyes where death is eminent. You can't move, you can't breathe. All you can do is stare at how his movements were calculated as he make his way towards you. Every step, sending waves of fear and panic towards the heart. Slowly, but surely. Patiently walking towards the meal before him, ready to pounce at a single movement the prey does.


The air shifted around us as he came closer. It became heavier and it was even harder to breathe. He stopped right before me and continue staring at me with those scary gray eyes. Looking up close I could see his jaw twitching ever so slightly. It accentuated his jaw and the contours of this face. So beautiful. But as beautiful as he is, every part of him screamed danger. His eyes were already throwing daggers towards me at the moment.

"Entonces, tú eres la chica".

I heard him drawl beside me. His voice deep and husky. I did not understood what he said but Im pretty sure it wasn't a compliment. He smirked yet it didn't reach his eyes. I don't think its a smirk at all, more like a form of mockery one could hardly distinguish. Words left me at this man's mercy. I don't know what to say.

A flash of a camera pulled me from my doom. I released the breath I was holding and felt relief washed over me. The whole room erupted into a round of applause as my father made a toast. The media went wild with their cameras pointing at us, snapping photos of me. Or the man beside me.

Wait. What?

"Larga vida! China y España!"

I heard the other man said. The audience took it as a cue and raised their glasses up in the air and smiled.


I also took it as my cue that their toast has now sealed my fate towards Nathan Giuseppe Polaveja. I glanced at him only to see his jaw twitching as he looked at the crowd not even bothered by the flash of cameras in front of us that nearly blinded me seconds ago. His eyes wandered in the crowd as if fishing for something or someone. I meant to follow but I cannot stand the bright lights this cameras is giving me.

As if sensing me, he turned to me and glared. I have never been so afraid in my entire life up until now. Until I saw how he looked at me. I saw pure hatred behind those gray orbs. And it's not just hatred, there is more behind his metallic stares than meets the eye.

I walked into this room afraid, and left here even more terrified and scared.


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