chapter 10

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Juliette's POV

I started to observe the place I was in. It was a large room with Victorian style furniture in the middle. My bed was facing the entrance. Beside my bed were the windows which ofcourse were in no way helpful to my escape. If only I could some how get rid of the mesh, I can jump right out and disappear.There was one more window to my right with the same condition. To my left was a bathroom. I was not very keen to observe the last time I have been there. So I got up and walked into the bathroom. It was as white and shiny as an angel. Every bit in that room was spotless. I started looking around. On the very top of the wall, a vent attracted my attention.

Does it work? I can try. What if I fail ? I don't even want to think about that side of the story. Deep in my thoughts, I returned back to my bed and started devicing a plan. Suddenly I felt as if someone was calling me. Then I heard a tiny whisper.

"Jules !!", it was coming from the window between my bed and the bathroom. Alarmed by that, I got up started walking towards the window slowly. Who can it be? I reached the window and peeped out. Then, after those hundreds of moments of despair, I  felt a relief.

It was Marc, Amy and Kate. They were just outside the window trying to hide themselves. Tears started running from my eyes involuntarily. Yet, I was smiling.

"Marc !!! Amy, and Kate !!!" How did you find me ? Oh my god, I can't believe this." I held the bars of the window and was whispering as I kept looking towards the door frequently.

"I saw George dragging you and I immediately told Marc. So we are here." Amy replied in whispers. At that moment, she looked like my guardian angel.

"Thank you guys...." I said.

"Jules. Listen to me very carefully. You need to escape the first chance you get. Okay? " said Marc.

"Yeah. I'm trying to but there seems to be no way out of here." I said.

"Are you sure? Did you check? there must be something." said kate..

"Yes. I remember. There is a vent in the bathroom but it is so high I doubt I can reach it."

"Vent? what vent?" kate looked out at the pipelines beside them and said. "this vent?" she asked looking to her left. She suddenly froze.

Marc and Amy looked in her direction and the colors in their faces changed. What is it? Oh my god Is it George?

Three of them slowly turned towards me. Marc said slowly," Jules, I think you can escape."

"But how? the vent is too high." I complained.

Kate replied, "It's not the vent. There is a balcony just beside that vent. Which means, If you somehow manage to reach to that balcony, you can escape." she said.

"There is a balcony? But how do i reach there? I can't even step out of the room."

After a while of thinking, Marc started putting things together and came up with an idea.

"Jules, listen. you have to figure something out to step out of this room. Take some time. think. Is there anyone you know here besides George,who can let you out?"

I started to think. There was this maid. I cant remember her name.

"I think so. yeah." I said.

"Perfect. Now don't rush. Everything has to go smooth. The alpha shouldn't get a doubt. Because we all know what happens if Alpha finds out."

I could see the terror in their faces. Yet, they are here. Risking their lives for me. Before,Marc was just a guy my  sister used to date. Now I know why. He'd always be there for someone he cares. I was proud of my sister's choice. Marc started to speak.

"We do this tomorrow.  According to George, we don't knoow anything about your disappearance.  We are just work buddies. He doesn't even know you are my fiance's sister. So I say, I and Kate will visit him here tomorrow. We will keep him distracted. Meanwhile you escape from the balcony. Amy will be waiting for you in the car near the gate. We will be right there with him so that he doesn't get a doubt." said Marc. It sounded perfect.

"Meanwhile, today, I and your sister will make arrangements for you to leave the country. By the time he starts searching for you, You'll be out of the country. How does it sound?"

It sounded like a great plan. Except, it had to happen. I sighed and nodded . At the moment, that's the best plan we had.

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