1 (Revised)

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Chapters with (Revised) are the newer versions that have been recently posted. Any without are going to be changed in the future, with some major differences. -Jam

Third-person POV

Jungkook awoke suddenly with a gut-wrenching sob stuck in his throat, coughing harshly to dislodge the lump that seemed to be stuck there, to no avail. Eyes darting about madly, hands raising to scrabble at his neck, the burning pain he felt there indescribable, he took in his broken surroundings, a faint haze covering his vision.

It was odd, to feel so thirsty but so full and complete at the same time.

He felt as if he'd been torn apart from the inside out and then haphazardly put back together with only bits of flimsy tape to hold it all in place, limbs numb and lifeless by his sides and heart sluggishly thumping within his chest as if it was in its last moments of life.

However, Jungkook also felt as if he'd been reborn into a new godly body without a single flaw, his soul seamlessly fitting into it like a snug glove, his skin glowing beautifully, hair shiny and smooth, nails more perfect than he'd ever seen them before.

He took this all in in the span of a few seconds, waiting with trepidation as the sound of his heart grew fainter, until finally it stopped within his chest with one last throb and grew hard and perfect like the rest of him. He noticed, then, that his chest was still, and he felt no shortness of breath despite having not drawn one in since he had awoken.

Jungkook, with his thoughts whirling within his mind, trying to piece together what was happening, what he had become, let out an ear-curdling scream that could be heard for miles around, before his vision went black once more.


Jungkook shivered as he plodded through the dark streets, clothes simply tattered rags upon his body, having left behind the familiar surroundings of his home town a little while ago. He had walked, through fields, water and roads, for miles, mind whirling so fast he could only catch snippets of his own thoughts, until he had reached the little village he was now in, intent to get out of it as soon as he could. But the voices were growing louder and louder with every step he took.

'We can't go back-can't go back! What if they hurt us? Keep going, keep going! Let's just go to the woods, we can hunt all we need in the woods!' It wasn't a voice that he recognised as his own, but in a strange way, he felt as though it belonged to him. It was light and young sounding, although growing more mature as the minutes passed, now seeming as if the individual was in their teens rather than in childhood.

'Vile! Vile, vile, vile! Disgusting. Revolting. How could I? Why would we do that?' That was one he recognised as himself, the words unlocking a memory from somewhere closed off in his mind.

The sight of their mauled bodies, drained dry of every drop of blood they could muster, not nearly enough to satisfy the growing hunger that burned him from the inside out, was what greeted him as he had awoken an hour before. Their glassy eyes and shredded throats no longer appetizing to him as his fevered mind calmed from its heightened state and his beast retreated to the depths of his being.

'It was fun. We enjoyed it. Weren't they so tasty? They fulfilled their usefulness to us, feeding us, and keeping us sane and satisfied. The burn is gone now, yes?' The younger voice was back, a musical-sounding lilt to it as if it was attempting to persuade him into agreeing, and a few tones deeper than previously.

Jungkook bit his lip and hugged his arms tightly around himself, shaking his head. "No, no, no, of course, I didn't enjoy it! Please, I didn't mean to!"

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