[Chapter 7]

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The fact that you'd been thrown on your head this weekend didn't prepare you for whatever unnecessary shit your classmates had going on. Their yelling practically made your head throb even worse. However, you took your seat anyway—keeping quiet. Your mind kept wandering back to the man you saw; the image of his lifeless eyes staring back into your own. Who was he? What did he gain from setting the building ablaze?

Is he a villain? God, stop asking so many questions Y/N....you didn't even get a good enough look at his face.

"Everything alright, Y/N?" Ochaco asked in a reasonable tone as she sat beside you. You were grateful for her, truly you were. But there were some details you couldn't bear releasing to her; you knew she'd worry her head off.

"I'm fine" you lied.

"Did you guys hear about the building that caught on fire?" Midoriya asked the two of you. As if the USJ incident wasn't enough to talk about. "It looked really bad"

"I heard about it on my way here this morning. The authorities still have to find the cause, but so far nothing's turned up" You listened to your friends go back and forth concerning the accident. You knew it was more than that. Whoever that guy was...he was watching you. He had to be. But you had more important things to worry about. The UA Sports Festival was approaching fast and you had a lot of training to cram into your schedule.

[Later on]

"Clintttt, what are you doinggg?" You groaned at your brother. He was up in your attic looking for something. His noisy ransacking was making your head throb as you held the ice pack firm against your head. You were fairly sure you had a concussion of some sort from the restaurant incident.

"Looking for mom's tapes"

"Are you even sure those are still up there? I'm pretty sure the darkness and cobwebs consumed all of my memories" You could tell he was irritated but before you could call him out on it, something shattered. "WHAT DID YOU BREAK?!"

"I'm almost certain that was grandma's vase" you threw up your hands and sighed. Being honest, you hadn't been up there since...well, you couldn't remember the last time. "You should really clean this place out"

"Yeah, that ain't happening. Besides, I'm gonna be moving into dorms at UA after a while. May as well leave everything where it is" Clint peeked his head over the ladder at you.

"Pft, like you'd survive sharing a dorm with other people. Remember you tried to knock your bookcase on top of me because I kept stealing your pencils?" You chuckled at the memory. Those were good times—times the whole family was together. But you were reminded that it was the past and it'd stay that way.

"Those were my favorite pencils. I had anger issues as a kid anyway"

"I think I found them...and mom's old uniform" Clint slowly climbed down with the objects in hand—the tapes in one and your mother's old, dusty uniform in the other. "How's your head?"

"Terrible. Why'd you want those tapes anyway?" He shrugged.

"Dunno...I just thought it'd be nice to have some type of fun memories to go by. Besides, she would've wanted us to have it instead of tossing it"

"You're allowed to have fun at work?" That reminded you of his departure tomorrow.

"I'm allowed to do what I want. I won't get to watch them until my lunch break" You slowly trudged upstairs—head still throbbing. "You know...dad is trying, Y/N" you stopped; not even making it into your bedroom at his remark. "He puts up this barrier—he always has. He thinks since he's this big shot founder that he's not allowed to be sentimental. Thing is, he never intended for us to separate. I think you should go easy on him"

"So being an ass on a daily basis is part of his facade? Why should I even consider trusting him again?"

"Because...behind that facade, he's still our dad" You'd had enough of that conversation; closing your door behind you as you turned in for the night.

Trying? That's a funny statement...

You flopped down on your bed and reached for your phone—writing out a quick text.

From: You
To: Todo (づ ̄ ³)

I need your advice...my brother thinks it's a good idea to trust Lucius again. How do I even do that?

To: You
From: Todo (づ ̄ ³)

Well, you could start by calling him dad.

From: You
To: Todo (づ ̄ ³)

Why is everyone expecting so much from me, seriously?!

To: You
From: Todo (づ ̄ ³)

Am I really the person you should be asking for advice about family issues?

From: You
To: Todo (づ ̄ ³)

Fair point. I guess I could try to lighten up on him...or at least until he betrays my trust again.

To: You
From: Todo (づ ̄ ³)  

Sounds like the best approach. Glad to know you have a plan B in place.

Maybe Clint was right—maybe you were a bit harsh sometimes. But with everything going on; from your encounter with the strange villain to the Sports festival approaching...Lucius was the least of your worries.


Y'all... when I tell you it took me forever to finish this chapter, bitch I mean it took FOREVER! I was so iffy about doing this and contemplated just deleting the whole chapter to start over. Yeah, I did that at least a good three times. The point is that I was tryna figure out what would work best, and I settled with this! Sorry if it was totally crappy but I tried and I'm tired so

I'm also very impressed that this book has 112 reads so far in such a short time frame! And I know you're saying "bitch 112 is a small ass number" To have come this far, really means the world and I enjoy giving amazing content to everyone! So 112 is a big deal for me and I'm speechless! I'm thanking everyone who's reading, means a lot to me seriously! But I'm gonna stop getting emotional now cuz ew that's gross like no...So until next chapter

Bye guys! ✍🏾💋

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