Sugar Cookies and Love Bites

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December 20th - five days before Christmas.

It's also been five days since Yeonwoo came back home.

And five days since June arrived too.

Everyday since their arrival, they've been spending a lot of time before the other started work - usually going out for breakfast or lunch. He'd usually drop her off too, but not once did they kiss each other goodbye.

Maybe that meant something?

I really didn't know what their relationship was at this point - they're either really close friends, something more than that, or together.

I hope they're just friends.


"May I have a caramel latte, please?"

Yeonwoo giggled softly, "Don't you ever get anything else other than a caramel latte?"

Her giggle was music to my ears - I just shrugged in response, "Only sometimes; I just love this drink so much."

She leans in closer, resting her elbows on top of the counter, "How about I make you something special today? I've been working on this one for a while and I wanted to know what you think."

Her eyes held a certain sparkle as she asked and her cheeks rounded softly into her warm smile - I couldn't say no to that face, "Alright Dabin."

After cashing me out, she quickly assembles the components of this new drink she came up with. I saw that she gathered a long shot of espresso, hazelnut syrup, and ice, but she suddenly scurries to the back room with the mixture and returns with Momoland's signature cup for cold drinks and hands it to me with a straw.

"Cold drink today?"

She smiles and looks down to avoid my gaze, "I thought you'd enjoy this for a change. I call it A Winter Wonderland."

After taking the first sip, I immediately tasted "Christmas" - as cliche as it sounded. Although the drink was cold, I could definitely see myself drinking this as a hot beverage - I tasted the coffee, hazelnut, and nutmeg, with hints of caramel, and of course, a bit of alcohol.

"Ya, are you trying to get me drunk this early in the morning?"

She gives me a little smirk, "Maybe, maybe not."

I tsk-ed, "Well, either way, it's gonna work. Not gonna lie, this is pretty good."

She jumped a little from my response in excitement and says, "That's great! I'm glad you like it - you're the only one who's tried it so far, so maybe I could make this for our friends at Christmas."

I smiled at her idea, "I'm sure they'll love this."

Today, Yeonwoo was off at 3pm and she invited me over to watch some movies and try to make sugar cookies with her.

Now, you may be wondering: sugar cookies? That's because Yeonwoo invited the Momoland gang over to her place for a Christmas party on the 24th. I suggested that we have a potluck because many of our friends could actually cook and bake and it saves our wallets from holiday services for take out. She thought it was a great idea and she took it upon herself to try and make cookies, even though she hasn't tried making them before.

I, on the other hand, would say that I'm pretty much an expert when it comes to sugar cookies because when I was younger, my older sister - Brenda - and I would always make them for our family during special occasions.

The coffee shop was gaining a bit of business nowadays, being that it is getting ridiculously cold outside and hot beverages were a person's new best friend.

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