Part 1

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After spending the whole day in the lake, you thought you wouldn't be thirsty but you were. You kicked over to the shore, arms resting on a yellow pool noodle, wearing a black bikini and trying to work on a tan that you know will turn into a burn. You don't want to get out of the cool embrace of the water but the dryness in your throat is making the slightly dirty water just a little too tempting. You stand, water dripping everywhere as you walk up the beach.

"Hey" a voice said. You look around until you see the voice's owner.

A young man in a white polo shirt and shorts sitting under an umbrella calls out to you again. You tense, hoping it's not a catcall that follows. To your surprise, he opens his cooler and grabs a bottle of water. He hands it to you.

"It's important to stay hydrated" he says.

"Thanks," you say. If it's been tampered with, you know to throw it out and if it hasn't been then, hey, it's a bottle of water you don't have to pay for. You can tell it hasn't been opened and you don't see any leaks. You shrug, opening the water bottle and chugging it. You toss the empty bottle in a nearby recycling bin and keep going up the beach. Your pace quickens so your feet aren't coming into too much contact with the searing hot sand. You don't want to leave so soon, but your fingers are getting pruney so you think you might get some fries and chill out in the shade for a little while.

The fry stand is run by another young man wearing a white polo shirt and shorts. You order poutine, figuring that you can burn off the extra calories once you get back into the water. The sand on your feet is already drying and getting uncomfortably scratchy. When your poutine is ready, you pay in the plastic Canadian cash that you were keeping in your necklace. You love waterproof currency and you were right to buy one of those bullet shaped pendants that unscrews and holds things in them. You tell the guy running the fry stand to keep the change. He smiles and thanks you. You don't really have room for coins in your necklace anyway.

You sit, taking a glorious bite of the salty treat. The cheese melts from the heat of the fries and the sun. A seagull eyes your snack so you toss it a fry that doesn't have any cheese or gravy on it. Are birds lactose intolerant? You aren't sure but don't want to risk hurting the dump chicken as it goes about its day hunting for scraps.

You finish it all too fast and start to feel weird. Stupid fry stand. They must have used old gravy or something. No. That's not it. The poutine tasted good. Are you dehydrated? Maybe a little. A salty snack may not have been the best plan. You decide to buy some more water.

You stand up and immediately realize that it was a bad idea as the ground sways beneath your feet. You don't remember hitting the ground but suddenly you're somewhere uncomfortably warm. 

The Graveyard (Zeldris x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now