chapter two

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r e c o r d  s h o p


After Luke's encounter with the mysterious, yet funny, girl he met just the day before, he was strangely excited about going to work. He wasn't even bothered by how tired he was at six thirty in the morning.

He was just really looking forward to seeing the girl again. Maybe he'd get her name today. If she even came in again, that is. Maybe she wouldn't ever come again and he'd always be wondering who she was.

Frowning at that thought, he noticed that he had finished his walk to work, and he pulled out his keys to unlock the door.

Luke didn't own the shop, exactly, but his uncle did. His uncle was never really around, though, so Luke practically did own it. His uncle told him once that someday it would be his anyway, if he wanted it.

The bell on the door rung as he stepped through. It knocked him out of his thoughts and he realized for the first time how seriously tired he was.

Thoughts of the girl distracted him but once he realized he had a whole day of working to make it through, he suddenly felt very sluggish and just plain out exhausted.

"Well, I only have," he looked at the clock on the wall, "twelve hours left."

He sighed heavily.

Three hours later, it was ten o'clock and Luke couldn't help but nearly fall asleep every five minutes.

The bell on the door, thank god for it, had woken him up from his half-slumber as someone walked through the door. He looked up just enough to catch a glimpse of the hair he's been wishing to see all day.

His eyes widened a bit, and he tried to wake himself up more, but he knew he just looked like an idiot. His long, curly hair was a complete mess, and there wasn't any saving it now.

The girl giggled at his sleepy state.

"Actually, I'll be right back," and with that, she walked back out the door.

Luke's eyebrows had furrowed and he let a frown take over his features.

"Oh?" he said aloud.

Five minutes later, the girl reappeared. This time, she had a cup in her hand. He recognized it from the coffee shop down the street.

She walked up to the cash register and set the coffee down in front of him.

"Coffee?" He asked.

"Well, duh. It's for you. You look exhausted. Drink up, I'm bored and need entertainment." She laughed.

"You're my most favorite person ever, I swear, and I don't even know your name."

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