chapter twenty four

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r e c o r d s h o p


Sitting on the edge of Luke's bed where he slept, Hummingbird couldn't help but frown. The clock read two o'clock in the morning, and she knew that right now was the time.

She sat on the edge of the bed for a while more, debating on what she should do. Should she leave Luke silently sleeping while she goes to her childhood home? Or should she stay in place, waiting for Luke to go with her?

She didn't want to worry Luke, because it was possible that he would wake up before she got back, but she also didn't want him to have to go with her and bother him. She knew Luke had his own problems to worry about, and she didn't want to drag him anymore so into her awful, confusing past.

She didn't have to worry much more about her decision as to whether or not she should leave, because before she knew it, her eyes were closing and she was cuddled into Luke's arms.

Waking up the next morning at six thirty proved to be something that Hummingbird never wanted to do again on four hours of sleep.

Her eyes felt too heavy and her whole body moved sluggishly. On top of that, her nose was running a bit and she had a small, but still irritating, headache. Still, she faked a smile whenever Luke looked at her and started to silently get ready.

She changed into the one clean pair of pants she had at Luke's, technically their, apartment, and stole one of his band t-shirts.

After doing the rest of the things she needed to do to get ready, she tried to get out of Luke's way by going to the kitchen. Instead of breakfast, she got herself a glass of water, and she made a waffle or two for Luke.

He walked to the kitchen while ruffling his curls, and smiled gratefully at Hummingbird when he saw the waffles sitting out for him.

"Did you not make yourself any?" he asked her.

"I already ate this morning," she said with a smile. There was no need to worry him over missing one breakfast. She knew that Luke would want her to eat, but she really didn't feel up to it.

"Oh, okay," he said with a smile while Hummingbird sipped at her water.

They both finished at the same time, and Luke ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While he did, Hummingbird searched the cabinet for some Ibuprofen or even Tylenol.

Upon not finding any, she gave up with a shrug. She wasn't feeling that bad, just a little tired, so she knew she could deal with it.

"Ready to go?" Luke appeared behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rubbing her neck with his nose.

"Mhm," she hummed, leaning back into his arms.

"You look good in my shirt, babe,"

"Where's the shy Luke that I first met?" she laughed, turning around in his arms to face them.

"I guess you bring out the best in me," with a wink from him and a loud laugh from her, they both made their way to work, and Hummingbird almost forgot the thing that kept her up until two in the morning.

guys im so sick.

i can't even move :(

i have to get a mit for softball today, though, and i also have a birthday party to attend for my baby cousin.

i wanna cry, i feel absolutely horrid.

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter. sorry that i haven't updated in a while, ive had drama practice everyday for hours.

sksksk UPDATE: i forgot the question of the chapter! im sorrryyy im sickkk.

it's not like anyone really answers them anyway hahah.

who do you look up to the most?

thank you for reading,

i love you all!

-a <3

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