chapter twenty nine

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r e c o r d s h o p


"Wait, really?" Luke's mouth parted in shock. That was a pretty big coincidence.

"Yeah, really. It was funny, I think. Before I went into the record shop for the first time, I wasn't having the easiest time. I think I always had it a bit hard, but I started to miss my mum so much. It was getting harder to be happy. I was so close to giving up, but then I talked to you in the shop. For a while, I had something to look forward to. I know, that sounds a bit creepy because I didn't know you all that well, but I really did just want to get to know you. When you started calling me Hummingbird, I realized that maybe you were a sign to stay, a sign that maybe life could get better. So, I stayed, and life did get better," she smiled a bit.

Luke watched her walk across the room, touching a bird that was painted slightly bigger than the rest. A Hummingbird.

"I thought it was quite a coincidence, when you started calling me Hummingbird. You give me the nickname of my mother's, and also my, favorite bird. You named me just like she did," her fingers traced the brush strokes in the wall.

Luke was so entranced by the warm and pretty sight of her talking about her mother, that what she said almost flew passed him. Almost.

You named me just like she did.

"Wait, what?"

She let a gentle laugh pass her lips.

"You two are so much alike in a lot of ways."

You named me just like she did.

"Hummingbird, what did you mean by what you said?"

She smiled a bit, and continued talking, "did you know that I used to hum like I do now when I was a baby? Obviously not in the same way, but my mother used to tell me that I always made these sing-song noises. She always said it was her favorite sound. You remind me of her when you tell me you like my humming. I know you aren't exactly like her, and I don't just like you because of the small similarities. I obviously like you because you're you," she let another gentle laugh escape her lips.

"Babe, can you explain what you said?"

You named me just like she did. 

"Explain what? Which part?"

"Well, you said 'you named me just like she did,'" he watched her fingers stop tracing the bird on the wall for the first time.

"Yeah, you did name me just like she did," she smiled, walking over to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and stood on her toes to give him a peck on the lips.

"Well, what do you mean by that?" He wondered what it meant.

You named me just like she did.

The only things he ever called her were small pet names and, of course, Hummingbird.

Almost at the same time that she said it, Luke realized exactly what she was going to say.

"Luke, my name is Birdie."


after 29 chapters you finally got her name!!

were you expecting birdie to be hummingbird's name??

ahh i hope you guys liked, no Loved, this chapter! i really really hope so.

i feel like this whole book built up to this chapter, and im so excited to share the big secret of hummingbird's name with you guys.
have a wonderful day and a wonderful easter!

i love you all!

thank you for reading!

-a <3

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