chapter thirteen

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r e c o r d  s h o p


"Luke, no!"

"Luke, yes!" He playfully shouted back at the girl standing in front of him.

"Truce, truce!" She shouted back at him, holding her hands out in front of her.

"You weren't saying that when you cracked an egg over my head!"

"I'm sorry!"

"It's too late, things will never be the same," he started fake sobbing.

"Luke," she whined, coming closer to him.

"Ha!" He shouted, picking up the flour that was next to him on the counter, dumping it over her head.

She gasped, but blew out the powder that got into her mouth, leaving a little cloud of dust to dissipate in front of her face.

"You are," she paused as she attempted to get the flour out of her face, "so dead."

At those words, Luke took off running. He only made it to the living room area, and he hid behind the couch. He heard the small girl's footsteps padding along, and he realized she was now in the room with him.

"Ugh, that little-" and that's all Luke heard before flour was dumped over his own head.

"Hey!" he screamed, standing up.

She giggled as she backed up a few feet, "you look like a ghost."

"You don't look any different, princess."

She giggled more before she noticed him walking towards her.

"Okay, okay, can we be done now?"

Looking at him hopefully, he noticed the specks of flour in her eyelashes that contrasted her eye color so nicely. She really was beautiful, even if she was covered in flour.

Little did Luke know that she was thinking the same exact things as him.

"Okay, truce?"

"Truce," she stuck her hand out for him to shake.

"Oh, Hummingbird, that's not how we're gonna seal the deal here."

She titled her head to look up at him in confusion.

"Well then how-"

She was cut off by Luke's lips on hers.

"Hey Luke?"

The sound of Hummingbird's voice broke the comfortable silence that they were sitting in.


After they had cleaned up the kitchen and living room from the mess that they made, they both had showers, separately, of course, and now they were sitting on Luke's couch, relaxing.

Luke was lying down on his back, and earlier he had pulled Hummingbird down so that she was resting on top of his body. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, and her head was resting on his chest.

They were both nearly asleep, despite the fact that they had stayed in bed until after noon, but Hummingbird was over thinking, and she felt the need to thank Luke, yet again, for helping her.

"I, um, just wanted to thank you again for helping me and always being there for me. No one has ever done that for me before."

He felt his heart clench at her words. He wished she would've had a better life, but the life she had made her so strong. She was a such a strong, brave girl. Luke was honored that he was so close to her. Little did he know that she felt the same way. She felt as if Luke was way out of her league. He was pretty perfect in every way possible. He proved it in more ways than one, too, day after day.

"I've told you, baby," he spoke quietly, basically whispering in her ear because they were so close, "I've got you, always."

have a good day everyone!

i hope you liked this chapter. i thought it was cute!!

question of the chapter isss:

what/where/who is your happy place?

love you all!

-a <3

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