chapter nineteen

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r e c o r d s h o p


Hummingbird had easily caught onto the flow of things. It was almost like the record shop was meant for her, and she was meant for it-and Luke liked to think that he belonged in there somewhere, too.

They had more customers than usual today, and of course Hummingbird was perfect when interacting with all of them. Her wit, along with her beautiful smile and wonderful personality, had people practically falling at her feet for her. It helped that she also looked so adorable in the shirt she had to wear that had the shop's logo on the front.

The only thing Luke didn't like were the boys that came in just to see her. Luke had never seen more than half of them before, and he's been working at the store for a while, so he knew they were only there for his girl. It was also pretty obvious when they didn't even glance at any records.

He couldn't do much about it, though. It wasn't really a problem in the first place because she would always politely tell them that she was talking to someone when they would start to get too overwhelming. Luke admired how loyal she was, even though she technically wasn't even his yet. He knew he had nothing to worry about. He couldn't help but overthink, though.

All of Luke's insecurities were slowly making their way to the front of Luke's brain. He's got more muscles than I do, he's clearly got a flatter stomach than me, he's definitely richer than I am, he could give her a lot more than I could.

All of Luke's thoughts only made him more upset. On more than one occasion, he had to stop himself from going over to those boys and telling them off. He knew it wasn't his place, because although they had shared kisses and slept in the same bed, she wasn't officially his. Yet. 

He couldn't. They were technically customers-or, potential customers, really. He couldn't make those boys leave unless they really did something wrong. In his mind, they were doing something wrong, but to the police and his uncle, they definitely were not.

The only thing that kept bringing him peace of mind were the glances and smiles she sent towards him, along with her turning all of the boys down.

If he could get a girl like her to turn down boys like that, then he must be doing something right.

In fact, he knew he was doing something right because he was slowly getting the girl of his dreams.

After getting off of work at seven in the afternoon, Luke realized that the two of them needed to make the journey to her dad's house to get her belongings.

Luke wanted her belongings to be just him, but he knew she needed her actual things.

"Hey, love," he smiled down at her as they walked.

Her head was leaning on his shoulder as she had her right arm wrapped around his waist. His left arm was hanging off of her shoulder, and their legs moved in a synchronized pace. Left, right, left, right. They fit together like the perfect puzzle pieces to the perfect puzzle. Just them and them alone. Their perfect puzzle.

"Hm?" She hummed, living up to her nickname. She does that everyday, though. Although Luke didn't mind. He could listen to her humming for the rest of his life. It was a sound he could never get tired of.

"So-oh, wait. You did really great today, by the way," he smiled down at her.

"Thank you, baby." She grinned with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Anyway, I was thinking..." he trailed off.

"Yeah?" Her scrunched eyebrows only made her look cuter.

"Well, maybe we should go to your dads and get your clothes...and stuff..."

so the weather is going to be really bad the next few days. which means that hopefully i'll have a lot more time to write!

i do have to memorize my audition monologue for my drama club, so i will also be doing that.

but the next few days i won't have to leave my house & i'll be free to write for you guys!

question of the chapter is:

what's your favorite book?

i hope you enjoyed!

thank you so much for reading!

love you all!

-a <3

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