chapter twenty five

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r e c o r d  s h o p


A few days after the incident that happened at Hummingbird's childhood home, Luke had started to think that maybe she forgot about it. He noticed that she smiled a lot more.

She was always cuddled in close to him, but that was a normal occurrence. Right now, for instance, she was in his arms as they laid in bed. He wanted to stay up for the rest of the night to look at the beautiful girl next to him, but he found himself drifting off to sleep as his eyes slowly closed.

Luke's alarm went off at six thirty in the morning, as usual, but what was unusual, was that Hummingbird wasn't beside him.

He willed himself not to worry, because she did go to sleep a while before him, and probably didn't need to sleep as long as he did.

He silently went into the bathroom, after shutting off his alarm, to wash his face. He did everything he needed to do to get ready before making his way into the kitchen. Grabbing just a pop tart, he started to look for Hummingbird.

She wasn't in his bedroom, she wasn't in the kitchen, and when he looked, she wasn't in the living room. She wasn't in either of the bathrooms, either. Luke was really starting to get worried.

He couldn't even call her because the phone she had was broken when she lived with her dad, and neither of them had had time to get her a new one, although Luke had always planned to.

He had finished his pop tart, the only thing that was keeping him busy, and then started to pace around the living room. He was messing with his hair every few moments, pushing it and pulling it around. Soon he began fiddling with his nails, but trying not to bite them; Hummingbird thought that was gross.

He was trying to busy his mind so that he wouldn't worry so much. She was an adult, and she could handle herself.

Yeah, but she didn't handle herself very well when she was living with her dad...a voice in his head spoke, but he immediately stopped that thought, because what happened wasn't her fault. He was angry at himself for even thinking that, but at the same time, he knew he was only worried for her.

It was hours later and Luke was at the shop. He couldn't just not show up to work, as badly as he wanted to not show up and just focus on looking for Hummingbird.

He spent the whole day worried about Hummingbird; where she could be, if she was okay wherever she was, if something bad had happened to her. What if she came home hurt and Luke wasn't there to help her?

All of the thoughts of her being hurt were thoughts that he was trying to stop. Eventually, his worried thoughts turned into angry ones.

Why wouldn't she tell him that she was leaving? Was she even going to come back? Was she worried about how upset he would be? Would she even care that he was this upset right now?

When it was finally seven o'clock and Luke could return home, he was completely and utterly consumed with anger.

guys I'm so excited because I'm actually doing well at softball!!

and I've got my lines memorized for the play I'm in!!

I'm also all caught up with school work!!

I feel sooo good and soo happy haha. Sorry for the excess use of '!'

question of the chapter is:

do you play any sports? if so, what are they?

thank you for reading!!

love y'all!

-a <3

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