chapter eight

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r e c o r d  s h o p


The next day, Luke didn't have to work. It was very fortunate that Hummingbird needed to stay over on the first night of his short-term vacation. It was only three days, but three whole days were maybe what Hummingbird needed to be even a little more okay.

Luke had to force himself to not think of the bruises that scattered her once pale neck. Every time he thought of the blue and purple tinted skin, he felt a shiver run down his spine. Who could do something like that to such a beautiful girl like her?

He felt himself start to get angry again. He wanted to find whoever it was that harmed her and show them what it felt like to be in her position.

God, he thought, it's only ten in the morning and I'm already thinking of beating someone up.

He sighed as his hands moved up to his face, then began to rub his temples slowly. His hair fell in front of his eyes as he leaned his head down, his hands moving to cover his face entirely. He rested his elbows on his thighs.

Inhaling a deep breath, he began to calm down slightly. The only thing that would calm him down more is if Hummingbird would wake up and be alright. He knows that she needs her rest, though.

He sighed again, standing up to make breakfast, even though it was a little bit past the time to eat bacon and eggs.

By the time Hummingbird had woken up, it was noon. Luke heated up the previously made breakfast and accepted her many thank yous as he waited for her to be finished eating. What he wanted now that she was done eating weren't thank yous, he wanted answers.

He had many questions. Who was it? Why'd they do that to her? What really happened? Is she going to see them ever again?

Once she had finished, she rinsed off her plate, and even though Luke didn't want her to do any work, the pout she gave him practically melted his insides. With his reluctant instructions to do so, she put her dirty dish into the dishwasher along with her fork.

Sitting back down, she picked up her glass of water, taking a slow sip. She knew what was coming; the interrogation.

"Hummingbird, what happened to you yesterday?"

"Someone choked me." She stated bluntly, making Luke wince.

"That's not funny."

"I never said it was."

"Can you just talk to me like you normally do?"

She sighed, "I'm sorry, Luke. I really am. I know I don't look that appreciative, but what you did means the world to me. I wish I could pay you back somehow, show you how grateful I am," she paused.

Then be mine, he wanted to say so badly, but now just wasn't the time. Plus, he's only known her for eight days. Granted, it felt like a lifetime, but he still didn't even know her first name.

"But I can't, I don't know how," she continued, "what I can give you is answers. I'll tell you everything that happened yesterday. It's more than reasonable, you deserve to know after how you saved me from going home. You helped me when no one else would."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He felt bad, almost like he was pressuring her to tell him. It was just an unfortunate situation, though, and he knew he needed to know so that he could help the girl.

"I do want to tell you some things about myself," she paused for a moment, thinking, "maybe not everything, but some things."

i hope you liked this chapter!

just to clarify, she isn't going to tell him everything because they did just meet, but she feels as if she owes him a little explanation.

in other news, i wanted to let you know that i will be updating this a lot more to get it finished sooner.

i feel like if i keep continuing with the publishing pattern i have now, then it'll be harder for people to get into the book.

the best books are read in one sitting, and i don't want anyone to get bored with having to wait for updates.

so i will be working a lot harder to get the book finished, or closed to finished, so that everyone can enjoy it.

thank you for reading!

see you soon!

-a <3

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