chapter twenty one

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r e c o r d s h o p


She didn't take notice that there wasn't a car in the driveway until it was too late. She just assumed that her family members would be there, and maybe they could quickly get in and get out, but that plan was ruined when they pulled into the driveway at the same time that Hummingbird and Luke got to the front door.

"Oh God," she breathily whispered, and she felt Luke grip her hand tighter.

"Hey, listen-" he began to try and calm her down, but he wasn't fast enough. She knew he could practically hear her heart beat.

She tried to calm herself down as best as she could, but she didn't want this happening. She wanted to quietly sneak in and get her stuff, and then quietly sneak out. She didn't want the people she was avoiding to show up at the same time she did.

This was the opposite of the plan.

"Hummingbird, you're really squeezing my hand," Luke stated, but he didn't try to move his hand away.

She watched the people get out of their car like a deer caught in the headlights; eyes wide, looking like she was caught in the act of a crime.

"Baby, it's okay, please come down," she could tell he was trying so hard to get her to calm down.

"Luke," she swallowed, "Luke I want to go."

"Okay, baby. Okay, we'll go," and he gave a small tug on her arm to get her to move down the driveway.

She was absolutely horrified. She was scared of what Luke would think about her if they did or said something.

She thought they were going to get away without any confrontation, at first, but she realized she was wrong when she felt a tug on the arm that Luke wasn't holding.

Turning immediately, she was met with a cold, hard stare.

"Where have you been?"

"I-um, I-"

"With me. She's been with me," she felt Luke pull her body closer to his as he said this, and in her head she was thanking God a million times over for giving her this boy.

"And who the hell are you?"

"Her," he paused for a moment, "friend."

"Well, she'll be fine to come stay here, now."

"Actually, no she won't. She's just fine with me," she felt Luke squeeze her tighter.

"Seriously, she's coming home now," and she saw his hand reach out to grab her arm. It did, and he started pulling her towards him, wincing at the pain she hasn't felt in what seemed like such a long time.

"No, she's not," and she felt Luke pull her towards him harder. She felt like she was the rope that was used during a game of Tug-Of-War.

She bit her lip to keep from making any noise, because she didn't want to seem weak. She wanted to be able to handle her own, and she didn't want Luke to have to worry about her, no matter how grateful she was that he was helping her.

He let go as Luke pulled her into him, and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You just wait, girl, you just wait."

hey guys, i hope you liked this chapter.

is this story getting boring? i hope not, im working really hard on it. i just don't want all of the action to happen in the beginning and then have just fillers for the rest of the book.

anyway, thank you for reading.

question of the chapter is:

what is your favorite book on wattpad?

thank you so much for reading!

love you all!

-a <3

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