chapter ten

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r e c o r d  s h o p


"Okay, I have an idea," Luke mused.

Hummingbird was seated on the couch, sitting Indian-style, with her whole body faced to the left, towards Luke. Luke was seated in front of her, sitting the same way on the couch. His right knee was pushed uncomfortably into the side, but he didn't want to move. He could sit and stare at Hummingbird's face forever.

"And what might that be, record boy?"

She picked up another piece of popcorn from the bowl sitting in front of them, throwing it in her mouth as she looked slightly upwards at the handsome boy.

"Okay, so, we'll each try to throw a piece of popcorn into the others mouth, and-" Luke saw her eyebrows raise as he paused his sentence to laugh at her expression.

"Just listen, babe. So, if we make the shot, we get to ask a question. If we don't, the other person gets to try to take a shot. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," she said, "but I'll have you know I'm a professional. I'll make all of these shots."

She laughed as Luke cocked an eyebrow, "really?"

"Not a chance," she giggled. Luke swore the sound drove him to insanity but gave him eternal life at the same time.

"Hmm, okay. Well, since you're such a professional, you can go first."

He smiled as she grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bowl in front of them.

"Well, open your mouth," she stated bluntly.

She was barely finished with her sentence when a loud laugh erupted from Luke's lips.

"Oh, shut up," she wined. The pout she had on her face only made him want to laugh harder, but upon seeing it turn into a slight frown, he forced himself to stop.

"I'm sorry, babe, I'm sorry. You're just too cute. I'll stop laughing."

"Good. Now open," she gave him a slight smirk, but soon stopped when she started to focus more on her professional popcorn throwing technique.

Her tongue poked out of her mouth and her eyebrows furrowed a bit as she started to throw the small piece of food. Upon finally throwing it, she saw it hit Luke on his cheek, missing his mouth. 

He bit his lip in an attempt not to laugh, but when he looked at her face and saw her cute pout, he just couldn't help it.

"It's okay, hun, you can try again next time. My turn."

Luke went, then Hummingbird went, because both of them kept missing. After a few more failed attempts, it was Luke's turn to try again.

Luke's throw always took much less calculating than Hummingbird's did, but when he threw it this time, he actually got the piece of popcorn to land in her mouth.

"Yes!" He screamed, throwing his fists up in the air, "I did it!"

She erupted with laughter at Luke's behavior, causing him to chuckle a little. "I get to ask a question now, don't I?"

"That you do, record boy."

"Okay, um..." he trailed off, thinking. He brought his finger to his chin and squinted his eyes a bit. He really didn't know what to ask, because he really wasn't planning on actually making his shot, but he did, and now he has to actually think of a question.

"Do you live alone or do you live with your parents or something?" He mainly asked this because he wanted to know what her home life was like. He also wanted to get closer to knowing who hurt her.

All he really wanted to do was protect his Hummingbird.

hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful new year's eve and I hope you all have a wonderful 2019!

I'm sorry that his hasn't been updated in a while. school started up again, so of course I'm just so overwhelmed with school work. I have honors bio and every other class known to man that I have to start getting work for.

doesn't algebra suck?

anyway, i was thinking of starting a question of the day thing even though I know no one would really answer anyway. I tried it before but I've been pretty inconsistent with it.

but, I'm going to start it up again!

what is one thing that you have always wanted to do?

that's really all I wanted to say. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I feel like this book is finally getting somewhere and it makes me really happy.

love you all.

-a <3

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