chapter three

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r e c o r d  s h o p


Luke had talked to the girl all day. He was extremely grateful for the coffee she gave him. He wanted to pay her back, but she kept stubbornly refusing.

"It was only like, three dollars." She would say, shrugging her shoulders.

Luke knew he'd pay her back someday, even if it was only three dollars. It was such a kind act that really helped him make it to the end of the day.

Today, she bought a Twenty One Pilots album. Their new one. She said it was called Trench. He told her he'd never listened to it. She had made a weird screech-like sound before she told him that he absolutely needed to.

She explained how amazing it was, and it was so very important that he listened to it because Tyler Joseph was "the most amazing guy ever," and how "Josh Dunn can like, get it."

After that conversation about Tyler Jospeh and Josh Dunn, it was twelve o'clock. He knew the girl would have to leave soon, but if he was being honest with himself, he really didn't want her to.

Currently, the girl was humming to herself as she looked through the records for the band Pink Floyd.

Her hair was swaying with her as she moved back and worth to the tune of the song she was humming.

"So, will I ever get your name?" He asked her.

"I dunno," she glanced at him for a second before looking back down at the records, "I kind of like this whole mysterious thing I've got going on."

He frowned a bit, but then smiled at how cute she looked. Wait, what?

"So what'll I call you then?"

"I dunno. I guess you'll figure something out. Won't you, record boy?"

He laughed, "record boy?"

"Yeah. Record boy. Your nickname." She shrugged.


"Isn't it obvious?"

He laughed again, seeing how it was sort of a stupid question.

"Well, yeah. But-I don't know."

She quietly chucked at him as she moved to look at a few other records, continuing to hum.


She scrunched her nose up.


"Hummingbird. You hum a lot. It works, and it suits you."

She smiled a bit before asking, "how so?"

"Well, hummingbirds are small and...cute. So are you."

"Well thank you, record boy. I think you're cute too." She smiled at him, walking to the front door with the record she had bought earlier in her hand, noticing how the boy's cheeks had turned a light shade of pink.

"Thank you, Hummingbird."

i hope you guys are enjoying this so far. i really enjoy writing it.

please comment and vote so that i know you like it!

thank you for reading!

see you next update

-a <3

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