chapter seventeen

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r e c o r d s h o p


"You know, I feel like I've known you a lot longer than I actually have."

The pair had been sitting on Luke's couch cuddled up with each other, yet again. Despite the couch being uncomfortable, the two had no energy left to move.

Well, it was really only Hummingbird who was too lazy. She was laying on top of Luke, and she made a whining noise every time he moved to get up. Plus, Luke noticed that she had a small smile on her face as they were laying there, and he didn't want to get up and make it go away.

"Oh yeah?" She replied, half interested and half asleep. She snuggled in closer to Luke, squeezing him tighter. He smiled when she did this. He never wanted to let her go. Luke knew she felt the same.

"Yeah, I mean, I've only known you for about a month now, but it feels like all I've ever known is you."

She pressed a kiss to the space between his neck and his collarbone, and he felt her lips form a smile whenever he shivered.



"I really like you." He chucked, squeezing her and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"I really like you too, Hummingbird."

"No, like, I don't know. Forget it, it's stupid."

She buried her face deeper into his neck, letting out a small breath.

"No, wait. Tell me. I promise it's not stupid."

"You don't even know what it is!" She laughed at him, lifting her head to look into his eyes.

"Well even if it is stupid, I love hearing your voice, so it doesn't matter anyway." He smiled his cheeky smile.

"Well okay," she paused, "I just like you so much. Like, everything you do is so perfect, and I'm having trouble trying to describe how I feel right now. First of all, you're gorgeous. I've never seen a human being that was so beautiful. I'd take you over any other guy, like ever," she paused to look at him, and his cheeks were coated in a light shade of pink as he smiled at her.

"I think you're the kindest person I've ever met. It's hard to imagine my life before you. I wanted to die," he squeezed her as she said this, pulling her closer to him, as if he was saying he'd never let her go.

"But now I'm so happy. And I really like the way you smile and the way you laugh. I like the way you scrunch your nose up, and I like how you always smell so good. I like how you're willing to sleep on a really uncomfortable couch and wake up in pain just so I'll feel comfortable. I think it's amazing how you practically saved my life when I thought it was so close to being over. I just really, really like you. I realize I'm kind of rambling, but it's hard not to, because you're you, and every single one of the good words I could use mashed all together doesn't even describe how wonderful you are.

"It's so easy to get lost in your eyes, lost in your lips, lost in the way you hold me. It's so easy to just want to keep you all to myself, but at the same time I want the whole world to know that I have the pleasure of knowing Luke Hemmings."

"Wow," he breathed, "no one's ever-that was-you're so-"

He had no words. He couldn't form a single sentence. His mind was so baffled at what the girl of his dreams thought of him.

"You, my Hummingbird, are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

so that was a little insight as to how Hummingbird feels about Luke.

i hope you all liked this chapter!

honestly, this book is going further than i thought it would. i didn't really know if it would go this far. all the readers have shown so much support and that makes writing this a billion times better.

just, thank you all so much :)

anyway, question of this chapter:

what is a place you'd love to visit someday?

my answer would have to be Australia, i've wanted to go there since i was a little kid haha.

thank you all so ouch for reading!

love you all!

-a <3

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