chapter eighteen

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r e c o r d s h o p


The day after Hummingbird expressed her never-ending feelings for Luke, they both noticed that she was running out of (his) clothes to wear.

Luke knew that the two of them would have to go to her dad's house to get her things. Luke knew she would stay with him. He didn't doubt it for a moment. She wanted to, but even if she didn't, Luke would still be too worried to have her live anywhere else. At least with her living with him, he'll know she's okay.

It always calmed him down, reassured him, when he knew she was okay.

Luke had work today. So, he had gotten up at six-thirty, rubbing his tired eyes relentlessly. He got up slowly as to not wake up the beautiful girl sleeping next to him. He hoped maybe one day that they could cuddle, hopefully, as a lot more than friends.

Getting up in the mornings was harder now. All he ever wanted to do was keep laying next to her. Maybe pull her into his chest, arms around her waist, nose nudging her neck. He would breathe in her sweet vanilla smell, which Luke absolutely loved, and smile widely. He would hear her mumble how much she loved-

Wait, I'm getting way ahead of myself right now.

Instead of letting his thoughts wonder, he knew he needed to start getting ready. On this particular day, he was finding it extra hard not to slip back into bed, snuggled up and warm, under the covers with the girl he lo-likes. With the girl he likes. He's almost slipped up twice now, and he was starting to believe that they were more than just slip-ups.

"Luke," she mumbled, and he snapped his head in her direction. Her eyes were still shut, fingers draped over the side of the bed delicately.

"Come back to bed."

He grinned, but then it slowly started to fade. He didn't want to leave her today, he probably shouldn't, but she just looked so peaceful, and peaceful was the opposite of what she had been looking like recently.

"I can't, baby, I'm sorry."

"Oh my gosh, wait!" She sat up suddenly, eyes wide, "aren't I supposed to start working today?"

"Well, yeah," he admitted sheepishly, "but you looked really cute sleeping there so I was just going to bring you in tomorrow."

"Luke! That's unfair! I can't just skip out anytime I'm tired," she was pouting slightly, and the only thing Luke could think about was kissing her until her pout was replaced with a smile.

"Well, technically, you can. I'm pretty much the boss, Hummingbird."

"I know, record boy, but still, you would never let yourself skip a day, so I don't want to skip one either."

She was so adorable, so kind, so nice, so honest. So his-well, hopefully his soon.

"Hm, okay, baby. Get up, then. You've got like, thirty minutes."

"Ugh, Luke!" Her eyes widened and she threw the covers off of her, shivering at the cold. Wrapping her arms around herself to somehow try and keep warm, she began to walk to the bathroom.

"I hate you," she muttered.

Luke chuckled, "no you don't."

She smiled at him with fondness.

"No, I don't."

im sorry for not updating for a bit, I have been really really sick the past few days.

anyway i hope you liked this chapter.

question of the chapter is:

what's your favorite song by 5sos?

thank you all for reading!

love you all!

-a <3

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