chapter six

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r e c o r d  s h o p


Luke tried not to let Hummingbird's reappearing injuries haunt his dreams, but he couldn't stop thinking about the mixing of dark colors on her normally pale skin. He couldn't stop thinking about the dark red slice that ran through her unusually puffy lip, and he couldn't stop thinking about the lisp that came with it when she talked.

Although there was one thing that he was thinking about even more.

It was the hug that the two had shared before she departed the shop. The goosebumps Luke possessed after she kissed above his collarbone, which was all the farther she could reach while hugging him. He was thinking about how nice the scent of vanilla was on her, and how much he wanted to smell it on her again. He was thinking of how he just wanted to hold her in a tight hug forever.

He wanted their relationship to be more than just acquaintances-or friends, even. He wanted to call her his. His Hummingbird. She could hum and he could listen. He would buy her new records everyday so she wouldn't have to buy her own. Luke new she'd argue that, though. She's independent, she'd want to buy her own records, but Luke still loved that about her.

Currently, it was two o'clock and Luke was stocking some more records. The bell above the door rang, and in came Hummingbird.

"Hello, record boy." Her lisp wasn't as bad as the day before.

"Hello, Hummingbird. How are you?"

"Doing great," she paused to sip on a drink that she carried as Luke turned around to look at her, "you?"

"Just fine," he trailed off, "I, uh-you know it's pretty boring here without you?"

"Oh, really?" She teased him, with a sparkle in her eye.

She moved to go sit on the counter, swaying her legs back and forth.

"Yeah. I've been here since seven in the morning. That's like," he paused while he counted in his head, "seven hours so far. And I've still got five to go."

He began walking towards her once he finished stocking the records in that section of the store. Every few steps he would stop to rearrange more records in that area.

"Jeez, record boy. Maybe you need a break from stocking records, huh?" She set her drink down beside her.

"Nah, then I wouldn't get to see you everyday. That's kinda the only reason I'm still okay with doing this."

"Oh?" Her eyebrows shot up as the boy got closer to her.

"Yeah. I mean, what guy wouldn't want to see you everyday?" He finally reached her. Setting down the now empty cardboard box on the counter, he stood directly in front of her.

"Pretty much all of them...except you, apparently."

He put a hand on either side of her legs, leaning down so he was a bit closer to her. She, instinctively, rested her hands on his forearms.

"Well, I don't mind that. As long as I've got you all to myself." He leaned in a bit more.

"Oh, really?" She repeated her question from earlier, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.

"Yeah, really. I've just got one question."

"And what might that be?"

"Can I kiss you?"

She smiled a bit, "isn't it obvious?"

He leaned in and kissed her.

it happened! they kissed!

i was really excited about this chapter because i think it's super cute.

anyway, merry christmas eve!

i hope you liked this chapter,

thank you for reading!

-a <3

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