chapter twenty six

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r e c o r d s h o p


Arriving home at around seven thirty, Luke was still hoping he'd see the girls face, even if he was amazingly angry at her.

He didn't.

She still wasn't home.

Where was she?

He threw his keys on the coffee table in front of the couch, angrily sighing as he did so. He began pacing around, trying to think about where she could be.

He knew he had to calm down, he knew that being angry wouldn't help him at all. So, he tried to lay down on the couch and relax. He figured he did a good job as his eyes shut and he drifted to sleep.

A few hours, Luke assumed, later, he was woken up by a pain-filled noise. He shot up instantly. Was it a burglar? It was then that he noticed it was pitch black outside, so he quickly moved to turn on the light.

Once light flooded the apartment, he realized who walked through the door.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Luke almost didn't recognized his raised voice, and he saw the girl jump.


"What the fuck? I've been worried all day! I woke up and you weren't even here! I had to go to work and just worry all day!" he walked towards her body, that was near the door.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I," he cut her off again.

"I thought you got hurt, or maybe even died! Do you know how worried I was?" He shook his head.

"L-Luke, pl-please," she started to cry now, but Luke was fuming with anger.

"I seriously am so mad at you right now! How could you even do that? I-"

"Luke! Please stop yelling!"

"I'll yell if I want to, Hummingbird. You had me so worried!"

He reached his hand up to move his curly hair out of his face, and he saw the small girl in front of him flinch.

"I-I'm s-sorry, just please-please don't h-hit me!" she rose her hands up to her face, as if to shield her body from possible hits.

"Baby, I-I would never hit you, ever," he wanted to reach out to her, but he was afraid that she would think he would do something else.

"I-I know, you were j-just yelling and," tears were streaming down the girls beautiful face, and Luke felt like he was trapped, unable to move, as his heart slowly broke.

"C-can I hold you?" He wanted to so badly, but he didn't want to scare her. That was the last thing he wanted.

God, I'm so stupid, he thought.

She nodded, and that was all he needed to take the girl into his arms. Her head was buried into his neck as she sobbed.

"I'm sorry, baby, I shouldn't have yelled. I didn't even think. I was just so worried. You know that, right? It's no excuse, I know, but I'm so so so sorry. I promise I'll never yell at you again. I promise." I love you, he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure if it was the right time. Well, he knew it wasn't.

"I know, it's okay. I was just scared. I don't like yelling."

"I'm so sorry, so sorry," he kept whispering into her ear.

They sunk down to the floor, holding each other as tears left both of their eyes. Luke whispered to her, "I'm sorry. You're okay. I've got you," and it was that night that made Luke realize how hard it was going to be to love someone who had a life as hard as Hummingbird's.

do you think she overreacted? or did she act accordingly?

i don't know about you but just imagining luke yell like that would scare the heck out of me.

question of the chapter is:

are you on luke or hummingbird's side?

it's not really a two sided fight, but which perspective can you agree with easier?

thank you all for reading!

i love you all!

-a <3

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