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My eyes slowly open up from the sound of footsteps. The girls must be awake. I check my phone.


Never mind the girls are usually asleep pretty early. Maybe my imagination? Im hearing things I guess.

That's it. I'm awake.

I swing my legs over my bed and stand up. I grab my phone and walk towards the kitchen. I'm very thirsty so I've decided to make tea.

I put the kettle in the stove. I'm trying to be as quiet as possible because Minjae is on the couch in the living room sleeping just steps in front of me.


"Yah!" I yell and grabbed my phone. Surprised Minjae didn't wake up. Who can be calling me right now?

"Missed call from Junseo"

"ig: 4 Missed call from Hobi oppa"

" Ig: ' Help the boys are being loud and I can't sleep.' 2 hours ago "


I answered immediately. The sound of Junseo's voice was calming. Extremely deep but not raspy. It brought back a lot of childhood memories.

"Hey I know it's late but would you like to go to the park?" He asked. I couldn't see him but I knew he was crossing his fingers. He always did It when we were younger.

I nod but then laugh at myself because he can't see me. "Yeah, I'd love to. Meet me at the one by the coffee shop we met at earlier. I'll be there in ten." I say turning off the stove.

"I'm on my way to pick you up." He said back. He sounded happy so I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright just text me when you're here. See you soon." I said then hung up. I briefly walk into my room. I try to look for something to wear but then I stop.

I've known Junseo since we were small. I don't need to try to look nice in front of him. He's seen me at my worse. I took a glance at myself through the mirror. I do need to put on longer pants though.

I quickly change into some sweat pants and through a tHick hoodie over my shirt.

-I'm here, I know you're still afraid of the dark so i'm waiting inside by the elevator.

How sweet. He still has a brain.

I slide on some shoes and head towards the elevator. It didn't take long to get down to the main floor. The doors opened and It revealed a cheerful Junseo.

As we walked out he looked around. Seoul was a big city and although it has many lights it was still very dark. Anything could be lurking around the corner.

"It's colder than I expected." I say as I hop in the passenger seat of his car.

"If you want we can just drive around. We don't have to go to the park if you're cold." He suggested while he turned on the heat.

"Ani, it's fine. We would do this all the time during summer when we were younger." It's true. We were always out. Never at home.

"Mhm summer not when it's cold. If you really don't want to we don't have to." He said with concern.

"No I want to." I say as I pat his hand.
He just nods and he drives towards the park.

If theres any grammar or spelling errors thEn iM soRrY.

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