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As I sit on the couch impatiently waiting the door swings open. I run towards the door.

Seeing Y/n's eyes puffy from crying threatens tears of my own to start falling. It might've only been a week since we've both met but I've grown attached.

I could feel my heart ache as I look at her. Jin hyung turns to her and tilts her head up to look at him.

"Tell him everything you told me Y/n." Jin said then walked past after closing the door.

I go in and hug her. I reach out for her hand and pull her to my room. We sit down and she starts talking.


Y/n sobbed to sleep. Laying there right in my bed. Finally at peace I lay next to her pulling her into my embrace. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I feel a heavy arm around waist. As my vision clears up I notice pictures on the wall of Hoseok. That's where I must be. Hobi's room.

While I stretched I guess I woke up Hobi.

"Aish, five more minutes." He said pulling me towards him. With that I fall back asleep.


"Wake up love birds. We're going out." Namjoon's voice was heard.

I rub my eyes and sit up. The clock still says it's early.

"Where are we going?" I mumble still half asleep.

"Bowling, in a couple hours we're leaving around... three?" Namjoon replied.

"Well the clock still says nine. I'm going back to bed." I say through a yawn.

"Jagi come back and cudd-" Hobi cut himself off.

I blush from his sentence. His cheeks also turn a bright pink as he notices Namjoon in the doorway.

"cute." Namjoon says as he shuts the door and heads back out.

"Aish, Y/n-ah. I'm sorry." Hobi says rubbing the back of his neck.

"No it's okay. Where were we?" I tease as I lay back down.

"I'm still tired." I say readjusting the pillows and the blanket.

"Yeah same." Hobi replied quickly. I felt the bed sink in as he moved closer to me.

Feeling his warm embrace put me straight to sleep.

A/n: lolol this was short but im tired so. (:

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