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As we switch our shoes for bowling I heard my name being called. That familiar deep voice. Junseo. The guilt floods over as I remember him saying he wanted to meet up. What a coincidence it is seeing him here.

I see him gesture for me to walk over to him. I look at the rest of the boys but they're too busy picking nicknames for the bowling game.

I get up careful not to catch any of the boys attention. I make my way to Junseo. He motions me to walk faster as he moved away from his friend group.

"Can we talk?" He says as his voice is dangerously low.

"Now? We're both here with people we shouldn't keep them waiting. Maybe after this?" I say patting his shoulder and walking back to Hobi and the others before they notice I was gone in the first place. Then I felt a hand tugging at my wrist.

"I said we needed to talk." Junseo said. The sweetness in his voice has disappeared and it's clearly a demand.

"No Junseo. Not now." I said back. We're fighting for dominance as we both talk in serious tones.


"Y/n what do you want your nickname to-" I say turning around. I can feel my smile drift away. She's gone. As I quickly look around. I spot her with a familiar silhouette. Junseo. I hate to say it but I see him as a threat to her.

I stand up and walk over to Y/n.

"Well well, look who we have here. Y/n your knight has made an appearance." Junseo says.

By his tone I can feel myself getting angry. I tug her wrist away from his grasp.

"No one deserves to be handled like that. Especially if it's Y/n." I said. I look down at Y/n's wrist and hold her hand up.

"Look see you've hurt her!" I say still raising Y/n's arm up.

"No, Hobi i'm fine really-." Y/n tries to talk but I cut her off.

"No you're not. If you're with me or not you're staying safe and not with this menace." I say gently taking Y/n's hand and pulling her back towards the rest of the boys.

A/n: AHa thIs wAs shOrt bUt tHe neXt chAptEr iS jUiCyYyY.

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