Day 27

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The night passed like a bad dream.

You leaned your chin on the railing and let the black waves lull you, trying to clear your mind in the silence.

From time to time, a few pirates walked behind you, stopped for a while, then let you alone.

Shivers ran down your neck when icy gusts of wind moved your hair from your face.

"So you left the Marines as well"

You shut your eyes.

"Would you like to join the Marines?"

Where are you, sensei?

What are you doing right now?

Do you ever think about me?

Again, you buried your face in your arms.

Heat stepped on the deck at the first lights of dawn, still trying to tame his messy locks with his fingers.

The air was cold and transparent, that morning. Just a few men were already outside.

He frowned when he noticed you at the railing, exactly in the same position you had when he last saw you the day before.

«She hasn't moved for the entire night.» the Mohican said, walking over from the mast «She just stared at the sea for the whole time.»

Heat clicked his tongue and marched towards you.

«[Y/n], come and have breakfast.» he said, peremptory.

Your eyebrows had a twitch, but it was just for a second. You didn't detach your eyes from the horizon.

«Thanks, but I don't feel like eating.»

«What's that supposed to mean? Do you plan on staying here like a zombie?»

«Unless to you force me to do something else.» you replied, plainly.

He blinked at you.


You pressed your lips together, torn apart by the struggle cutting inside you and the desire of not saying anything hurtful to the pirate.

Luckily for you, Wire appeared beside his comrade, his calm demeanour unfazed.

«Leave her alone for now, Heat. We still have to see how murderous the captain is. Better not to have the two of them in the galley at the same time.»

The blue-haired man looked like he wanted to add something, but he eventually decided to drop it.

With an irritated shrug, he headed to the kitchen.

Wire glanced at you, before following him.

«How long do you still need to think?»

Eustass Kid appeared on the deck less than an hour after, and it was immediately clear he didn't want to be approached by anyone.

The pirates retracted at his passage, waves of rage radiating from his burning gaze.

He went straight to his workshop and slammed the door behind him, making the closer men jump.

You didn't turn to watch him traverse the ship, but your body stiffened when he passed behind you.

If he looked your way, you couldn't know.

During the rest of the day, it became clear how much the mood of the two of you could affect the rest of the crew.

You seemed glued to that particular spot on the railing, while Kid stayed holed up in his workshop.

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