Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

When I arrived home after I had properly put Trinity to bed, Mark was gone. He did not leave a note or send me a text message as he would usually do. Neither Javier nor Damien called me either. I thought about calling them first, but then I chocked and could not think of what I would say. Needless to say, things carried on just the same for the rest of the week. Mark remained locked in his bedroom whenever I woke up and when I came home from, he would already be gone. I did not see Damien nor Javier either. Whenever I came to work, both would have already been gone and Damien would just leave a message to Trinity for me to hold his calls.

When did everything just go to hell?

I thought about calling them multiple times, but every time I would talk myself out of it, making excuses for why I should not. On Friday, I am not sure what got over me, but I just finally snapped and decided to confront Mark. I still had not seen him all morning, nor did he respond to the multitude of text messages that I sent him all day. But I made sure that I will be awake no matter how late he arrives home tonight. I am lounging on the couch, watching another episode of a random television show when Mark finally walks through the door. He looks disheveled: his normally well-combed hair has a messy look to it as if he has been running his fingers through it, his clothes look ruffled, and his boots are untied. He has definitely been drinking, and when I walk to him from the couch the smell of vodka on him confirms it.

"Mark! Where have you been?"

He does not acknowledge me and tried to head to his room. However, I am able to move a lot quicker than him, due to his drunken state, and block the door.

"Mark, we can't keep going on like this. Talk to me," I plead with him.

"Move April! I don't have time for this."

He slurs most of his words.

"When will you have time then, huh. This isn't healthy Mark. Bottle up your feelings and drowning yourself in alcohol is not going to fix your problems."

"Oh, look who wants to be all in tune with their feelings now," he barks back. "One minute you're coming over here and crying about-"

"Okay, now that's enough!" I cut him off. "Constantly throwing my indiscretions at me is not going to fix your problems. I've owned up to my issues."

"Oh really?" he says looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "And pray tell, where are Damien or Javier right now?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You think I didn't hear the conversation that went down the other day? How they basically dumped you?"

I say nothing.

"Tell me again how you've dealt with your issues," he smirks.

"You can say all the nasty things you want to me. But it is not going to change the fact that you are going to be a father. You like Trinity. Hell, I think you love her even though you don't want to admit it. Why are you trying to fuck this up?"

"Because that's what I fucking do, okay!"

His voice is a loud roar, as though he has finally let out all of his pent-up aggravation. He sighs exasperated and walks to slump on the couch, his eyes staring straight at nothing in particular.

"It's what I fucking do," he continues. "All my life all everyone had seen me as is a piece of meat. Just something to fuck. She saw past that. And I just... I just don't know what to do with that. I've never had that before, and frankly... I just don't understand it."

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