Chapter 1: Lessons from Mom

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There wasn't any place that Lapis Lazuli loved any more than the ocean, after all she was a mermaid, a mermaid princess to be exact. However, there was also a place Lapis loved just as much, the surface world. That's because Lapis spent her entire childhood growing up on land amongst humans.

Not long ago, Lapis never even knew she was a mermaid until the week before her sixteenth birthday. When she discovered her mermaid origin, Lapis made it her mission to return to the mermaid kingdom from which she was born. Through a series of hardships and trials, she finally found her way back to her birthplace and reunited with her biological family. The blue mermaid princess didn't want to be torn apart from her two families so she spent an equal amount of time with her biological family and her adopted family. And it's been that way ever since.

Lapis had just returned to the ocean for her brief living with her mom. She had the ability to get to her birthplace without swimming a large stretch of ocean, thanks to a magical bracelet that she wore around her wrist. Her human boyfriend, Jamie wore a matching bracelet that he'd used whenever he wanted to see his beautiful princess.

Lapis was in no hurry to get back to her castle home. So for awhile, the little mermaid spent some free time frolicking with the sea creatures and exploring coral structures. She felt like a really young kid in her own little world.

"Princess Lapis Lazuli." a familiar voice sounded off, catching the young royal mermaid's attention.

She turned her head to find that Zircon, her mother's royal advisor was coming in her direction.

"There you are, Your Highness." she said when she finally caught up to Lapis. "I've been looking all over for you. Your mother sent me to round you up."

"Zircon, I just got back to the ocean." the princess told the royal advisor. "How could you possibly know I'd be here?"

"I know that this is the three month mark." answered Zircon. "You always come back to the ocean after living with your adopted father for three months."

"Okay, but I still don't know why my mom sent you to find me." Lapis said.

"It's time for your daily lessons and I'm here to guide you back to Iridesca." explained Zircon, gesturing the blue girl to follow her. Lapis rolled her eyes, tiredly.

"You know I can manage." she argued, feeling slightly annoyed. "I don't need my mom's royal advisor babysitting me."

While the blue mermaid admitted to herself that being a princess was one of the best things ever, there were some annoyances that came with it. Being constantly babysat by royal advisors was one of them.

Once she was back at the royal castle in Iridesca, Lapis made a beeline for the royal throne room like an excited kid rushing to the living room on Christmas Day.

"Mom! Auntie!" the young princess beamed as she speedily swam into her mother and aunt's awaiting arms.

"Lapis, welcome back!" said Princess Pink Diamond. "How are things going on the surface world?"

"Pretty good, I'd say." the younger princess answered. "I'm getting straight A's in Marine Biology, which I'm very proud of. Speaking of education, where's my teacher? I'm ready for my home school lessons."

"Actually Lapis, I want to start off with a one-on-one lesson with just the two of us." Queen Hope told her daughter.

"Really?" Lapis questioned. "Without Auntie Pink?"

"Don't worry, it's okay." her aunt assured her. "I'll just be here holding down the fort while you two have some mother and daughter time."

"Okay." the blue princess said. "Let's go."

The mermaid queen and her daughter went to the back of the palace and outside to an area full of floral-like anemones, seaweed, and brightly colored corals and sponges. Lapis recognized this place as the royal garden and she never got over of how beautiful it was.

"So Mom, what are you going to teach me today?" she asked, still curious about these special lessons as the two mermaids sat down on a small bench.

"Well, what is responsible for creating all the oxygen in the whole ocean?" Queen Hope asked her daughter.

"Oh, that's easy." Lapis said, confidently. "The ocean's oxygen is created by seaweed, algae, the microscopic phytoplankton that grows in the sunny parts of the water, and sometimes sea grass that's found in shallow areas."

Her mother chuckled and told her, "Yes, but did you know that the phytoplankton also creates oxygen for the world above the water?"

"I thought trees and other land plants were solely responsible for oxygen on the surface world." the young princess replied.

"But the microscopic plant material is vital for that too." said the mermaid queen. "The ocean is what you might call: a carbon sink. And I'm sure you already know that a majority of precipitation comes from large bodies of water like the ocean."

"Of course I do." answered Lapis.

"Well, sometimes the clouds made from evaporated ocean water can travel all the way to land mountains." her mom implied. "And even though it takes thousands of years, the fallen rain and melted snow that flows down those mountains forms rivers and streams that flow back into the ocean."

The little mermaid sat there awestruck about all the information that was being poured into her brain. She felt like her head was spinning. Her mother noticed this.

"Do you know why I'm teaching you all this, Lapis?" she asked.

"Uh, not exactly." the princess responded.

"The ocean and it's creatures provide so much for the rest of the world." Queen Hope explained. "In a way, the ocean is the earth's generator. It's so indispensable, the whole world would fall apart without it. Unfortunately, some humans don't seem to understand that."

"I know." Lapis spoke up. "It makes me mad when some people litter on the beach or in the water, dump chemicals into the sea, and fishing illegally. And the worst part is, some people do that stuff without thinking about whether it's right or wrong."

"I'm afraid it's not only humans that cause trouble for the ocean." the queen lamented. "There are a few mermaids who have forgotten about the delicate balance of the ocean. They wish to shroud the marine world in darkness and chaos."

"I wish there was something we could do to prevent that." her daughter said, quietly.

"As long as the waters are well cared for and the ill-boding forces are kept at bay, the ocean will stay in harmony." Queen Hope promised.

After she and her daughter took a brief moment to take in the tranquility of the royal garden, the mermaid queen suggested; "Why don't you go see if your friends are busy?"

"You mean, we're done?" Lapis questioned, confused. "But, what about the rest of the day? You know how Zircon gets when I don't follow my royal schedule."

"Oh, I can handle her for you." her mom assured her. "Besides, what she doesn't know won't hurt her; right?" The two of them shared a short chuckle.

"Thanks, Mom." the blue princess said as she hugged her mother. "I'll see you later for lunch." And with that, Lapis swam out of the royal garden to go find her mermaid friends. She couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when they see her back in the ocean.

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt